Hollywood Freaks Out: ‘About to Throw Up’ – IOTW Report

Hollywood Freaks Out: ‘About to Throw Up’

NewsBusters: Around 10 p.m., Hollywood stars began to panic. Hillary Clinton wasn’t as far ahead as they had expected her to be. In fact, the race was far from a landslide. Reflecting the anxiety of the Tinsel Town set, actress Mia Farrow re-tweeted a NYT poll showing that, as of 9:40 pm, Trump had a 55-percent chance of winning the election. As a comment on the tweet, she simply posted: “Xanax.”

Several celebrities indicated suffering physical symptoms. Funny or Die comedian and actor Billy Eichner posted: “Still feeling confident but about to throw up.” After tweeting “And Trump has closed a wide gap in North Carolina. Another shot, please,” Dan Savage commented “I’m going to puke.” Later in the evening, he intimated that death would come as sweet relief in the event of a Trump presidency. “Colorado approves assisted suicide,” he noted about an article from a local Colorado news outlet. “That’s going to come in handy.”


See Also:

clutch the pearls

24 Comments on Hollywood Freaks Out: ‘About to Throw Up’

  1. I hope those who said they were leaving are packing!!
    Remember, in the words of your esteemed Obama “Elections have consequences!”
    So, off you go to all of the Hollywood losers who said they would leave the country if President Trump won!!!

  2. Moonbat Alert!
    Gotta love the reaction from the pearl-clutching, bead-strumming, dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, sheet grabbing, pillow biting, metro-sexual Progressives (and the Media enablers) with their collective heads full of mush firmly stuck up their butts viewing the world thru their vaginas.
    My, my, my!
    Need help packing?
    I’ll be right out!

  3. Hopefully, President Trump will help these poor, sick, bastards by opening up large mental institutions in every progtard stronghold city. Surrounded by guard towers and electrified fence, of course.
    Every towel, dish, spoon, fork, cup, bowl, chair, flowerpot, floor tile, bathrobe, straitjacket, etc. , emblazoned with the Trump emblem.

  4. They didn’t see this coming because they don’t live in the real world, they believed their own lies, they have fallen over their pride and their hubris and they can’t get up.

  5. Byebye: Miley Circus, Lena Dunham, Amy Schumer, Jon Stewart, Cher, Whoopie, Al Sharpton!!

    You are required to take a triggered snowflake under each arm.

    Good luck trying to get over the wall, fuckers!

  6. They’ll slobber and whine, then get back to making propaganda geared to the illiterates and innumerates, propounding the lies about Globaloney Warming and spreading their hateful nihilistic socialism.

    Without scripts, these people are just sexually-dysfunctional, brain-dead, drugged-out imbeciles.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Can they take their mexican pool-boys with em, or are they gonna have to hire canuk pool-boys?

    Do THEY pay $15 per hour? And Socialist Security? And Workman’s Comp? And ObolaCare? And all that other shit employers have to pay?

    Didn’t think so. Hypocrites generally don’t practice what they yammer.

    izlamo delenda est …

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