Hollywood not good enough? Meghan Markle reportedly now wants to be US president – IOTW Report

Hollywood not good enough? Meghan Markle reportedly now wants to be US president

American Thinker: Forgetting who she is, Meghan Markle, duchess of Sussex, has decided she’d also like to become president of the United States.

Here’s the retch-inducing story as reported by Page Six of the New York Post:

[T]he 39-year-old former “Suits” star now has her eye on the White House, a close friend told Vanity Fair.

“One of the reasons she was so keen not to give up her American citizenship was so she had the option to go into politics,” the unidentified friend told the mag.

“I think if Meghan and Harry ever gave up their titles she would seriously consider running for president,” the friend added of rumors of a 2024 run.

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h/t systemically confused

45 Comments on Hollywood not good enough? Meghan Markle reportedly now wants to be US president

  1. Harry, there are plenty of high-powered attorneys that can get you out of this. The Queen is a decent lady and I’m sure all would be forgiven, but I also think that window of opportunity is rapidly closing. You don’t have to live like this.

  2. The prince has woman problems. But then so do I.

    ​My girlfriend got a restraining order against me…. now I’m going court… she keeps saying she isn’t my girlfriend but it’s just tough love, you know?


  3. The Queen is not as amused as most of us. President Dutchess of Sussex does have a historical appeal for the millions of Americans who still consider themselves to be loyal to King George III. Could this be our best chance to restore the monarchy? Prince Harrry will make a great First Dude of Sussex. The two of them working together could probably heal the yawning rift between our two countries and finally end racism and slavery and save the planet. I can’t wait till 2024.

  4. Marrying to become queen didn’t work out too well. Canada didn’t like her shit, so Prime Minister Meghan wasn’t going to happen. She has lofty goals…and she does voice overs, so she’s still got that going for her.

  5. Everything about this woman is fake. She shaved a few years off her age. She is really 44, not 39. She has had two previous marriages, not one. Her pregnancy was faked. Badly. She claims she met Harry on a blind date when she really met him when her shack up boyfriend at the time, a Canadian celebrity chef, was a chef for the Invictus Games. She worked as a whore, otherwise known as a ‘yacht girl’. There is a porno of her floating around out there. She is a nasty piece of work and I don’t know why the British royal family allowed a grifter like that into their midst.

  6. How does it feel to want Ms Markle? You couldn’t keep yourself together at the Palace, you got a whimp for a husband, whom you have no scruples of throwing him and Archie under the bus. I wouldn’t trust you with feeding wild turkeys.

  7. She will need tutors on all kinds of subjects before she can run.

    Tutor: Meghan, you got a D on your test.
    Meghan: What did I get wrong?
    Tutor: OK…here are the ones you got wrong:

    Alaska is not part of Mexico, it’s a US state.
    Canada is not the private property of King George III.
    The sun and the moon are not the same thing…I know Cher said it was, but that is not correct.
    Germany did not fight in our Civil War.
    The Whip in the House of Representatives does not actually horse-whip people of the other party.
    The people of Poland -Poles, do not live at the South Pole.
    The square root of 25 is not a carrot.
    The Catholic Church did not send Jews to the concentration camps.
    Our first President was not Leroy Washington.

  8. ^^^MJA: She is cheating on him with her pal from the SoHo (emphasis on the HO) House, Marcus Anderson. There is even talk that she has moved Marcus into the house with them. Harry is a cuck. Kinda funny. His real father, James Hewitt, cucked Prince Charles and now Harry Hewitt is getting cucked by some low life grifter who runs a house of ill repute.

  9. She has a gargantuan sized ego, almost Obama like. She’s convinced
    that the public just can’t get enough of her.

    Well here’s a hint for you: Just because you have a rather dim witted inbred Englishman hanging on your every word does not mean the remainder of the human race is smitten with you.
    Actually most find you to be a presumptuous little gutter snipe.

  10. Harry the henpecked Prince never had a chance, Markle the human Succubus could care less who she uses to get to the “top”. Sadly, if she did run for president, there would be enough fools voting for her to make her viable, especially if she tries to backdoor her candidacy. Wow, Megan and Kamala have so much in common. Two Deep State whores “putting out” on a mission to destroy this country.

  11. There was a close-up picture of her knob nose on the internet a few months ago.

    Ah, not very pretty. Needs lots of war-paint. But I suppose Harry, another knob nose, likes it well enough to produce a kid with her.


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