Hollywood tries to save the Earth, no one is interested – IOTW Report

Hollywood tries to save the Earth, no one is interested

Washington Times: Hollywood tries to save the Earth, but moviegoers aren’t buying eco-messages anymore.

Climate change got its close-up in 2017. A gaggle of films either name-checked Al Gore’s biggest fear or built their narratives around it.

The timing, in theory, couldn’t be better for Hollywood bean counters: Three major hurricanes. Massive fires in the West. Record-setting chills. Media reports routinely connected the disasters with a warming planet.

Yet audiences stayed away from films influenced by eco-concerns. Far, far away.

Think “Blade Runner 2049,” “Geostorm,” “Downsizing,” “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” and “mother!” They all flopped, some in spectacular fashion.

Mr. Gore’s sequel to his documentary smash “An Inconvenient Truth” paid the most attention to climate change, of course. The 2006 original scored with audiences and Oscar voters, earning best documentary honors.    read more

10 Comments on Hollywood tries to save the Earth, no one is interested

  1. The AGW nuts will never admit that it’s a scam. It was created by ‘soft’ science college professors to get fat government grants. The media picked up on it because they love end-of-the-world scare stories. Nothing makes money like telling people they’re gonna die. When the UN got involved the last shred of believability was lost.

    AGW will live on in one form or another because those three groups have made billions. Just like acid rain, the hole in the ozone layer, and planet-wide famines the scam never went away, it just changed its name.

  2. Al Gore totally thought he would CASH IN on liberal hysteria in the age of Trump.

    “We’ll show Trump by making Al Gore the center of attention” said pretty much nobody.

  3. If you can control carbon dioxide emissions, you can control production and finance, and the entity that manages this control has almost unlimited power over the West.

    “”One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole,” said Edenhofer, who co-chaired the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group on Mitigation of Climate Change from 2008 to 2015.
    So what is the goal of environmental policy?
    “We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy,” said Edenhofer.”


  4. What these EnviroNazis fail to learn is that the EARTH WILL take care of and heal itself, in spite of all the damage that puny mankind does to it. That in the Earth’s history, CO2 is NOT a toxin or a poison, and the Earth has had up to 4x more concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere (~1000ppm), and survived quite nicely, leaving lots of coal behind as a beneficial byproduct.
    And that if the EnviroNazis are so hell bent on reducing CO2, then I hope they’re prepared to live on a desert planet, with a population of brain dead, oxygen starved neighbors.

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