Home Depot Founder Blasts Dems for Impeaching Trump Instead of Dealing with COVID – IOTW Report

Home Depot Founder Blasts Dems for Impeaching Trump Instead of Dealing with COVID

Western Journal: For those still skeptical that the relentless investigations of President Donald Trump were a witch hunt, stirrings of further inquiries on his response to the coronavirus crisis from the likes of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff should leave little doubt.

This doesn’t sit well with Bernie Marcus, co-founder of both the Home Depot and the business advocacy group Job Creators Network.

In a Fox Business interview with Maria Bartiromo on Monday’s “Mornings with Maria,” Marcus unleashed on the idea of another investigation at a time like this.

“Look, this president has been hit with something that no president has ever had to deal with, and I just resent the people that are going after him now. They’re already talking about another impeachment,” he said. “I hate to tell you that Adam Schiff is already investigating this.” read more

22 Comments on Home Depot Founder Blasts Dems for Impeaching Trump Instead of Dealing with COVID

  1. Wow, now I am REALLY pleased about buying $1500 in materials from them the past month, doing house projects and still trying to contribute to the economy.

    Not that we can afford it? But with a house, at this time is a perfect time to do home improvement projects.

    It occupies time, provides self worth and your place, inside and out looks better, keeps my crew busy.


    (HD is a place you can still ‘prep at’ while you can btw and not just at a ‘food’ essential)

    I went to Lowes Yonkers, and they had portable security towers in the parking lot, no joke. Several cameras on top with a loud speaker telling me about my safety.


  2. I shop at HOME DEPOT rather than Canadian Tire.

    They sell a decent range of tools from Cheap Chinese shit to High Quality American Tools like “Klein, Dewalt. Milwaukee(made in chyna), Rigid, Estwing. (almost Professional grade)

    Up here we call Canadian Tire: Crappy Tire. They sell some name brand stuff but the staff is unhelpful and disinterested. Most of the product is the cheesiest chinese shit that gets thrown in the garbage a la chia pet etc. (do it your selfer wannabee)

    Lowe’s came up here but got their ass kicked by the “Home Despot” since they had stuff of slightly less quality. Not same prod line as in the states)

  3. I’ve been shopping a lot at Home Depot the past three weeks and they are trying very hard to serve their customers normally during this so called ‘crisis.’ Hats off to them.

    One really big thing we’ve got to worry about now is this presidential “election by mail” movement.

  4. FFS! jim clyburn will be responsible to “root out waste, fraud, and abuse, and ensure money makes it to those who need it most….” Only 28 years as a gubmint official and from my soon to be home state of SC! Fukc all these demonazis!

  5. Buy 3″ course nails and plywood for the impending Storm, duct tape and plastic sheething.

    Disease or not? Something is wicked when this way comes, eventually.

    This is not hyperbole this is real. Get ready for the next ‘scare’. What ever that is… ‘They’ have something UP their dirty sleeves.

    Like, ‘sign up here to be CV okayed, to get in at an event’, move on or whatever.

    These places sell SEEDS.

    This is a Sea Change.

  6. Our Michigan governor Bitchen Witless just went full gestapo on us today. Ordered stores to close all departments selling carpet, paint, clothing, garden goods and the list goes on. I’m waiting for the rebellion to be announced and hope to join in. Even outlawing people to travel to second residences they may own such as cabins and such yet is not closing state parks. Only allowing stores to have 4 customers per 1000sq feet. I’m expecting unrest in the near future.

  7. The Dems don’t know how lucky they are that the Senate decided not to hear their bullshit witnesses and acquitted Trump quickly. Knowing what we know now, President Trump still on trial in March while dealing with a pandemic would not be a good look for the Dems at all.

    Speaking of that…Is Mitt still in the quarantine bunker? Haven’t heard from him lately.

  8. I’d rather have a box of a thousand toads than one Jim Clyburn. Toads are cute (ymmv) and do eat nastybad stuff. Jim is more akin to a fucking louse… or maybe a silverfish (shudders).

    Not a more worthless being can be imagined. Except a democrat.

  9. Just saw a Daily Mail(I know…) vid of coffins being mass buried in N.Y.. Why couldn’t Little Adam have been in one? Also noticed something odd. When the coffins were being man-handled, the didn’t appear to be particularly heavy.

  10. @Texson – I live just a few miles from there, by the crow flies and I was out there to visit a friend, on City Island just a few weeks back. Harts Island is within eyeshot of my friends place.

    I looked at those wooden caskets on DM. I have to say they are very shallow, dimensionally, coffins, stacked they were. Looking at the scale in the photo, they are about 24″ deep each, at three deep? Cramming them in are they??

    Look at the size of one of the prisoners grave diggers standing in the pit and the stacked high boxes. In one photo I noticed there was an open box??

    Not sure, but if you look close at one of those photos you will see ‘names’ on that pine board tops as well??

    Also, if you do the count of what is in the photo (not much really?) vs. what the length of the trench is??

    Again not sure wtf to think yet??

    Always question what we see and are fed. Who took that drone vid for US to see/sea change?

    IOW happening ‘in my own back yard’ and I am still not scared.

  11. @ghost of brig gen j glover April 10, 2020 at 12:12 am

    > I read this article at CTH that does NOT paint a pretty scene or future, no matter the color of the paint you or I buy at HD.

    Indubitably. Well regulated Lords of Their Couch, actually being relegated to lording over aught but their couch? How bland.

  12. During the Obama Depression, when there were no jobs, Home Depot was real good about hiring older workers even when they really didn’t need extra help. They get a hats off from me.

  13. @ghost of brig gen j glover- Saw the names as well. Notice how large they are written? Attributed it to “window dressing”. After all this, not surprised if the devilhead democrates nuke DC. I actually figure Trump and family are smart enough to not be there at this time.


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