Homeless invade Liberal America: Residents don’t ‘feel safe’ – IOTW Report

Homeless invade Liberal America: Residents don’t ‘feel safe’

In Portland Oregon, liberals complain the homeless are cramping their style, stealing from them and generally freaking them out.

Story at Conservative Firing Line

23 Comments on Homeless invade Liberal America: Residents don’t ‘feel safe’

  1. Liberals are the first to complain that government doesn’t do enough for homeless people, and yet their spare bedrooms remain empty.

    Housing will be the next “right”, because “I demand someone else build me a home.”

  2. How dare the homeless cramp the style of the liberals by nesting in their neighborhoods, don’t those homeless people know that they are supposed to go to conservative neighborhoods to set up?

  3. I’m working in Portland this month on million dollar condos, right across the street the city in its wisdom put in section 8 housing. I see new crazy people everyday and more druged out zombies asleep everywhere.
    I hate this place.

  4. That scene from Dr. Zhivago where the home is taken control of by the communists and opened up to complete strangers comes to mind. Where did I just read about that happening? Oh yeah, Germany, of all places.

  5. Salt Lake City is run by rabid liberals that want to turn it into Portland. They have pursued an open arms policy toward the homeless and are reaping their reward, big time. Portland is sending their homeless to SLC, along with every major city in the West (and beyond). The downtown homeless shelters are filled well beyond capacity. A family shelter was built a few miles south, in Midvale, a few years ago. It has been fairly successful, but it is limited to families only, no drug or alcohol users and they must find work.

    In the last Legislative session, the golfing buddies decided to “solve” the homeless crisis downtown by building homeless shelters in four additional locations throughout the county. They gave SL County authority to overrule any local opposition.

    The Utah State Legislature is dominated by Republicans. Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County are dominated by Democrats. They are all dominated by greed.

    It was decided to build a single men’s facility about two miles from my home. It will be built to house 300. The current men’s facility downtown is at quadruple capacity. They plan to phase it out and move the men to the new facility. It is supposed to be limited to non drug and alcohol users. The downtown facility was to have had the same restrictions, but with the first cold winter the restrictions were tossed. I anticipate similar actions at the new facility.

    The solution to homelessness is not homeless shelters or enabling ordinances or lax enforcement. The loons need to be institutionalized, criminals need incarceration, drug addicts need treatment, hard-lucks need help and the rest need a good swift kick.

    Panhandling is not a 1st amendment right.

    I am disgusted with the Utah State Republican Party. I know what Democrats stand for, but why did the Legislature give them everything they needed — and more? Tone deaf idiots. They were reacting to threats from downtown developers (alias, big donors) and they didn’t want to be labeled as “mean” toward the homeless. They tied the hands of the cities that have been managing to keep SLC’s homeless crisis from spreading to them. Sounds like socialism to me. Forcefully shared misery.

  6. LOL – and I’m sure the situation has been made even better with the legalization of pot as is the case in Denver. Get out the worlds smallest violin for the sad sacks that vote in the liberals and then complain when the homeless end up in their front yards, helping themselves to their property, having sex in their yards, exposing themselves to neighborhood children, throwing used needles and empty alcohol bottles everywhere, stealing their yard furniture and relieving themselves everywhere. And then they skulk around anonymously complaining about the end result and propose a tiny house community for the homeless in a poor area of town. What compassion.

  7. at first i thought that was a picture of downtown paris france.
    but then i realized it was only portland oregon.
    then all at once i thought, paris looks real nice.

  8. Four years ago, I was by dint of fate, on a Greyhound bus from St Louis City to Salt Lake City. It was my first (and hopefully last) cross country bus trip. Fully 75% of the passengers on this 30+hr adventure were stoned/batshit crazy/homeless who were to a man headed to Portland or SLC for either de facto or de jure legal dope. 30+ hours of dozens of these fuckwits loudly talking about it. Screw Libs, screw Portland, screw SLC, and screw the “homeless” – which are all too often just libs taken to the logical conclusion.

  9. Libstainerea Psychosa is a progressive disease. Sufferers tend to be obsessed with guilt and self loathing, and for good reason. Many have a treasure trove of skeletons in their past. There’s a tendency to sexual deviancy as well as deep seated character failings. Do Goodery is their penance.

  10. What a bunch of whiny pussies. They preach diversity and tolerance, and at the first sign of diversity and “the different” — which liberals tell us to embrace — they whine and cry like a bunch of little girls. And they want more third world immigration. Good lord these people are psychotic and mentally confused.

  11. @ MA Jack – you remind me of an old joke I heard as a kid. (I only remember the punch line)
    ….so,Italy fried Turkey in Greece and fed it to Hungary😜
    I live about 90 minutes from Portlandia. Used to go there pretty often. Not anymore. It’s still a lot cleaner than Seattle; but, well on its way to becoming just as filthy. And dangerous.

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