Homeowner Detained For Allegedly Kicking Squatters Out Of Own Home – IOTW Report

Homeowner Detained For Allegedly Kicking Squatters Out Of Own Home

Daily Caller-

A homeowner in Queens was reportedly detained for allegedly trying to kick squatters out of her own home.

Video shows Adele Andaloro approaching squatters at her $1 million home in Flushing, which she inherited after her parents died, after hiring a locksmith to change the locks back on her property, ABC 7’s Eyewitness News reported. Police took Andaloro into custody soon after they were called by the squatters. MORE

14 Comments on Homeowner Detained For Allegedly Kicking Squatters Out Of Own Home

  1. Squatters being considered ‘tenants’ is one of the more ridiculous takes on giving more rights to the illegals/homeless than hard working citizens of our once great nation. It just makes zero sense to consider one a tenant by assumption, not by contract law.

    Our parents house is currently unoccupied. We attempted to sell the house in the last six months, but our realtor sucked ass and got fired. We currently have a buyer in the pipe but she won’t be able to purchase until end of school year. Fortunately, my brother is checking on the house several times a week and is likely to be able to handle these situations without additional assistance.

    This country is sinking into 3rd world status directly from the actions and the inactions of our inept government and growing population of idiots.

  2. Andaloro. Rodriguez. I’m sensing a pattern here.

    BTW: What’s a “million dollar home” in NY look like? I know a million dollar home in SoCal is a 70-year old, 1200 sq ft dingbat in Reseda.

  3. Squatters monitor obituaries and other sources. There is usually some lag time between the death of the owner(s) and assumption of ownership by inheritor(s). Thirty days is way too short a time to establish any rights of occupation. That is a legal invitation to squatters.

    It is a third-world attitude toward property ownership. Vacant property is considered available for use by someone else. The laws are structured for it.

    In Guayaquil, Ecuador (sorry to reference it so often, but it is what I am familiar with) they refer to squatter communities as invasiones. The majority of the city was created by invasiones. There is an entire criminal industry around the confiscation and sale of vacant property. They will sell any property seen as vacant to anyone willing to pay them what they demand. If the property owner complains, they have a small army of well-armed thugs to deal with them. They have even sold the land on the dikes around the oxidation ponds at the sewage treatment plant. When the city clears off the squatters, the gangs resell the land to another group of ignorant campesinos.

    The law states that, after sufficient time has passed, the invasion neighborhood can petition the city to extend services. The city is then obligated to extend those services.

    The criminal enterprises that “developed” that land, continue to control those neighborhoods for decades, often affiliated with political parties and candidates.

    That is our future with the Democrat Party.


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