Homeowner Shoots Naked Intruder Allegedly Trying to Steal Cat – IOTW Report

Homeowner Shoots Naked Intruder Allegedly Trying to Steal Cat

At about 5:30 a.m. Wednesday, a homeowner in the 190 Block of CR 4161 contacted the Newton County Dispatch Center and stated that he woke up and found an unidentified naked man inside his house.  MORE

9 Comments on Homeowner Shoots Naked Intruder Allegedly Trying to Steal Cat

  1. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2t1s1r

    Did you ever think when you eat Chinese,
    It ain’t pork or chicken, but a fat siamese,
    Yet the food tastes great, so ya don’t complain,
    but that’s not chicken in your chicken chow
    Seems to me I ordered sweet and sour pork,
    But Garfield’s on my fork,
    He’s purrin here on my fork…
    There’s a cat in the kettle at the Peking Moon,
    The place that I eat everyday at noon,
    They can feed you cat and you’ll never know,
    Once they wrap it up in dough, boys,
    They fry it real crisp in dough.
    Chou Lin asked if I wanted more,
    As he was dialin up his buddy at the old pet store,
    I said not today,
    I lost my apettite,
    There’s two cats in my belly and they want to fight,
    I was suckin on a Rolaid and a Tums or two,
    When I swear I heard it mew, boy,
    And that is when I knew…
    There’s a cat in the kettle at the Peking Moon,
    I think I gotta stop eating there at noon,
    They say that it’s beef or fish or pork,
    But it’s purrin there on my fork,
    There’s a hairball on my fork.


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