Homeshools blamed for mass exodus from public schools – IOTW Report

Homeshools blamed for mass exodus from public schools

Cry harder, commies.

America Out Loud: Kansas and Missouri are the latest two states to make note of the public school exodus they are experiencing. An analysis performed by the AP, along with Stanford University, shows a 2% enrollment decline in Missouri and a 3% enrollment decline in Kansas.

On the surface, a 2% and 3% enrollment loss doesn’t sound like much. However, the raw numbers are a loss of 16,000 students in Missouri and 18,000 in Kansas. Those numbers are huge.

If you were to drill down into the individual school districts, you would see an enrollment loss in specific schools anywhere between 20%-65%. Those numbers are unsustainable.

Where are all of these students going? MORE

20 Comments on Homeshools blamed for mass exodus from public schools

  1. A couple of things to try. First, let’s return control of public schools to local school boards. Not that local school boards are perfect, but at least they have the pulse of the locality. Second, more emphasis on vocational training. In the 1980s, our school district closed its vocational training facility because everyone needed to go to college. But a significant percentage of kids don’t want to go to college, some can’t handle college, and some do not want to work in the areas college trains you for. Our local vocational training is now done at the community college level, which means these students need more time to learn a trade.

    I guess most importantly is we need an educational system that knows how to pivot away from things that aren’t working to programs that are. Some ideas seemed good on paper, but don’t work in real life; but it’s hard to scrap the bad ideas once they get entrenched into the bureaucracy.

  2. @Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk:

    Some ideas seemed good on paper, but don’t work in real life; but it’s hard to scrap the bad ideas once they get entrenched into the bureaucracy.

    Yes, and one of those bad ideas is govt running schools.

  3. Homeschool simply provides the BEST alternative to the government monopoly day prison/babysitting system. The motivation to leave (especially when the government is already STRALING from your neighbors to pay for your kid’s “education” is provided by government school’s abject failures.

  4. I was almost proud of several states that my company had contracts with to score their student’s standardized tests. When Common Core came out, they all fell for it. The second year, about 50% of them dropped it. When I left, I thought that they were going to get back to the basics and the students would flourish.

    That was just before WOKE started. Damn.

    Now, parents and interested citizens will need to attend the local schools board meetings and raise all kinds of protests until they teach the basics without any Woke agendas.

    Killing the federal dept of Ed will go a long way to helping those parents and concerned citizens.

  5. MI is floating the idea of making homeschool students be registered with the state.
    The Dumbassocrat that put that out there, claims it is to “protect the kids from abuse”.
    According to all the reports I see on teachers abusing or molesting students, I don’t think homeschooling is the problem.

  6. Because the system is not about teaching kids what they need to know to function in the world, and be masters of their own lives; it’s about indoctrination to be controlled by people who don’t give one shit about them as individuals.
    Fuck the controllers.

  7. Claudia: recently my son mentioned how, when he was in school, I couldn’t figure out what his math books were saying. He then mentioned that when he is helping his kids, he can’t figure out what THEIR math books are saying.

    Even in Texas, their math lessons are all a bunch of convoluted steps that take longer to add 12+28 than I used to spend on a quadrilateral equation. Why not just add the damn numbers?

  8. A cousin of mine homeschooled her kiddies in Misery, (AKA Missouri,) three decades ago.

    A co-worker asked my advise about moving his family back to Pakistan to avoid the filth being pushed in OhStink, TexAss schools. He decided NOT to move after I told him that his daughter would probably hate him for making her live in Pakistan.

  9. One of the saddest facts about home schooling is that the poorest of the poor cannot afford to participate.

    Parents/parent who need to be working two or even three jobs cannot be home to school their children.


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