Homesick ‘Clock Boy’ Says He Lost the Ability to Create – IOTW Report

Homesick ‘Clock Boy’ Says He Lost the Ability to Create

tiny violin

Look at the teeny violin I created for clockboy.

Breitbart: “Clock Boy”Ahmed Mohamed told reporters Monday he lost the ability to create and has “no schedule” until he returns to Qatar for school. The teen was greeted by hordes of reporters upon his return to Texas on June 27, gushing over his supposed stateside summer plans.

Breitbart Texas reported:

“The teen and his family have been living in Qatar for the past nine months where he accepted a fully-funded education scholarship from the Qatar Foundation.  He told reporters he came back for a summer internship with Twitter.

Ahmed also said Facebook, NASA, and even, MIT, the prestigious university he nixed in favor of attending the Qatari school, contacted him over social media, asking him to visit while he is stateside this summer.”

While it is unknown if any of these plans ever took place, numerous local news outlets have since reported the family returned merely to visit relatives living in Irving and, it appears, to file a federal lawsuit.  MORE

19 Comments on Homesick ‘Clock Boy’ Says He Lost the Ability to Create

  1. Please, Please let the school board hire some sharks and not settle for a dime. Let the kid and his family get shredded in discovery and then in open court. I want Obama, MIT, NASA and the rest of them to end up standing in the corner muttering “no comment” when the family loses the case and the school board is awarded costs at which point the family flees to Qatar.

  2. The adults around him plan to have him fully indoctrinated at a madrassa. The only “education” he will receive there is being forced to memorize and recite the koran, to complete his transformation into a brainwashed, mass killer.

  3. I’m sure daddy has tutored him in how to properly shout, “Death to Israel and the Zionist Pigs!” in such a way to make his Gutter lords beam.
    May the legal sharks dice and slice the little son of a bitch.

  4. Clockboy is so much fun with the same thing over and over again in my head and the rest of the best way to get my money back or something like that. I don’t know how much you can do that to my house in the world is full version of a sudden it was not immediately available for comment Wednesday night at work today and I’m still waiting for the rest of the year before I have to go back in the world.

  5. Clockboy has discovered the only thing to “create” are actual bombs that look like : underwear, belts and vests. What is more disturbing to our Clockboy is the fact that someone explained to him he needs to wear the actual creation and actually blow himself up with as many infidels as possible.

    The game went for being fun and making the silly infidels look stupid to painting the walls with ones own intestine.

  6. They should ban him from ever going to flight school. You know…the ones where you learn how to fly into buildings, but never how to land. Should be able to pass a law like that easy enough without threatening anyone’s constitutional rights.
    (unless Hillary wins)

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