Hong Kong: Clashes Between Police and Protesters Grow Violent as Officers Storm Subway, Fire Weapons – IOTW Report

Hong Kong: Clashes Between Police and Protesters Grow Violent as Officers Storm Subway, Fire Weapons

Epoch Times:

Volleys of tear gas and water cannons were deployed in the latest clashes between police and anti-extradition-bill protesters, marking another restive weekend in Hong Kong. In the late evening, police charged into subway stations in an attempt to arrest protesters, injuring unarmed passengers.

Tens of thousands of protesters poured onto the streets despite police banning a planned march on Aug. 31 and repeatedly warning citizens that they would be engaging in illegal assembly.

Just the day before, police arrested several prominent pro-democracy activists and lawmakers, raising concerns that the Hong Kong government was orchestrating a climate of fear to discourage protesters from coming out.

Aug. 31 holds special significance for Hong Kong. Five years ago on the same date, Beijing announced a stringent policy denying Hongkongers universal suffrage in elections for the city’s chief executive, the top official.

Candidates are currently hand-picked by Beijing and a 1,200-seat electoral committee comprising of mostly pro-Beijing elites that votes for the chief executive. Civil Human Rights Front originally planned a march to call for democratic, free elections and bring light to the government’s consistent dismissal of protesters’ demands in the extradition bill crisis.

Anger has been brewing over the now-suspended extradition bill, which would allow the Chinese regime to transfer individuals for trial in the mainland court system. Many fear that the bill would erode the city’s autonomy. In addition to the calls for greater democracy, protesters said they wish to see the bill’s full withdrawal and an independent inquiry into police use of force during recent demonstrations.

War Zone

In the early afternoon, many joined a Christian group’s organized march to “pray for Hong Kong’s sinner [chief executive] Carrie Lam,” singing “Sing Hallelujah to the Lord,” which has emerged as an unofficial anthem since mass protests began in June. more here

12 Comments on Hong Kong: Clashes Between Police and Protesters Grow Violent as Officers Storm Subway, Fire Weapons

  1. Not going to end well. The Chicoms don’t mind losing a few decades of Western business and trade. It’s their country, and the lesson they learned from Tiananmen Square was that the Capitalists and their Running Dogs will forgive anything after a few years if there is money to be made. They might not destroy the place imposing Communist control on Hong Kong, but they will eventually bring what’s left of its population to heel.

  2. Masses of unarmed Chinks protesting massively armed Chinks who have no compunction about murdering masses of unarmed Chinks and have spent their active careers terrorizing unarmed Chinks, Tibetans, Mongrels, Han, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Laotians, and Koreans.

    Good Luck with that.

    I assume that the Chinks have no second amendment?
    Pity the unarmed slaves of this world.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. They still have gas and styrofoam, fight fire with sticky fire?
    There may be something about being mowed down with tanks and guns by the state that rubs people the wrong way.

  4. MARCO

    Actually early Apr the progressive American Pres Red China a stern warning that if they massacred people “ther’d be Hell to Pay!”! ChiComs must have thought it was an Apr Fools Joke. they massacred their own folk abut 2 months after the “stern” warning. Or maybe they understood that “Hell to Pay” Meant the American taxpayers would pay them big for killing their people; since that is what the leftist American did! He died recently , what was his name?

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