Hong Kong Freaks Out Over Coronavirus Death – IOTW Report

Hong Kong Freaks Out Over Coronavirus Death

Hong Kong has had its first death from the Wuhan, China novel coronavirus, and more Hong Kong protests ensue. Meanwhile, the Chinese economy is taking heavy damage from the international outbreak. That and more on this week’s China news headlines.

10 Comments on Hong Kong Freaks Out Over Coronavirus Death

  1. So how many coronavirus deaths are there in the US?


    What is the level of awareness of the coronavirus in the USA?

    Off the scale of normalcy.

    What is the current number of deaths in the USA based on influenza?

    Probably over 10,000 deaths.


    Prove me wrong on the 10k estimate.

    Have you purchased environmental controls (face masks, etc.) based on news reports of coronavirus? If so, then you are probably a media-controlled idiot who ignores the true reality of day-to-day life and death.

    Wake the fuck up.

  2. Flip,

    You’re probably correct about flu rates, but what will happen if corona takes off over here too? Nothing wrong with caution and being prepared; one isn’t an idiot for doing that.

  3. If you’re Asian, be worried as Corona is a racist disease, it attacks Asians only. Anyone other than Asians die from it yet? Bioengineering is turning out designer diseases, I hope it’s designed not to mutate. 😥


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