Hong Kong: Man Accused of Killing Family with Gas Filled Yoga Ball – IOTW Report

Hong Kong: Man Accused of Killing Family with Gas Filled Yoga Ball

KFI: A man in Hong Kong is on trial for reportedly killing his wife and daughter with a gas filled yoga ball.

Anesthesiologist Khaw Kim-Sun, 53, placed a leaking yoga ball filled with carbon monoxide in the trunk of his wife’s mini cooper on May 22, 2015. The Malaysian national was allegedly having an affair and had become estranged from his wife and four children that he lived with.

Kim-Sun was having an affair with a student from the teaching hospital he worked at. The student also helped him in obtaining the carbon monoxide.

Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post reported that Kim-Sun’s wife and 16-year-old daughter were both found unconscious in their car about an hour after leaving their home. Although the mini cooper showed no signs of defects, the pair were declared dead from severe carbon monoxide poisoning.   MORE

21 Comments on Hong Kong: Man Accused of Killing Family with Gas Filled Yoga Ball

  1. Don’t simply execute him, part him out. He ought to be good for a liver, couple of lungs and kidneys, corneas, and save the heart for last. After that he’ll still be good for a whole bunch of cadaver bone for orthopedic surgery.

  2. Yoga balls are filled to 0.6 PSI and 0.9 PSI. The volume of a sphere is given by (4*pi*r^3)/3, where r is the radius of the sphere. In this example we’ll use 30cm as the radius.

    Mini coopers have anywhere from 17 to 47 cubic feet of area inside.

    OK…. armed with this information we can clearly see that we need a mathematician to figure this out.

  3. Huh. Totally thought Unky Al would snap this bait right up and tell us how many parts per million that yoga ball altered the chemical makeup of the atmosphere in that car.

    My guess is…. “5”.

  4. Seems unlikely.
    I doubt a yoga ball could hold a fatal dose of CO.
    Especially if the gas was released slowly.
    Or if the windows were opened.
    Even if nobody noticed a large, hissing yoga ball in the trunk.
    If Mini Coopers even have a trunk.

    In the old days we’d just cut the brake lines.

    At any rate, BAN YOGA BALLS!

    Yoga pants OK.
    On women only.
    But not ALL women.

  5. You don’t need a high concentration of CO for it to be fatal, so I am not going to bother with the math (sorry, Aaron Burr!).

    What CO does is bind to the hemoglobin in your red blood cells in place of O2. And it doesn’t let go. So once you’ve inhaled a bit of CO your blood stops conveying oxygen and that means YOU DIE.

  6. Oh for the love of ebola…. I think we can all agree huffing yoga balls is a bad idea.

    Just wanted the science, man. The SCIENCE!!!!

    Can’t you just make up an impressive looking equation? “5” as my answer just doesn’t seem as sexy.

  7. @Aaron Burr – You want SCIENCE!!!! eh? With four bangs?

    OK, gassy-boy, I got yer SCIENCE right HERE!

    Pay particular attention to page 1903. You’ll find the formulae there. I know simple HTML stuff but have no clue about making anything more complicated than
    ∫eⁿdn=eⁿ+C, where n=x

    (See? I had to use a superscript n because I don’t know how to conjure up a superscript x. At least not in comment boxes.)


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