Honk if you think I’m sexy – IOTW Report

Honk if you think I’m sexy

It’s a morale-booster!

14 Comments on Honk if you think I’m sexy

  1. I learned a valuable lesson many years ago about friend and practical jokes. My wife and I were going down to San Diego for a week to see some friends and the LOCAL bunch thought it would be fun if we all met for breakfast first. They knew we were leaving at zero dark thirty but they said no problem. So we all met at the truck stop and had a good time. They made sure I got to park right by the front door as well.

    After breakfast we hit the road and the 6 friends waved goodbye…while we headed down the highway people would pass us and honk and wave??? WTF?? After we got to our friends house we went out to get the clothes hanging in the backseat, and then I could see it. One of them wrote JUST MARRIED in a big heart on the back window with white shoe polish…mystery solved. 🙂

  2. Gee Wally, that reminds of the time when the woman you were dancing behind bent over so you can grind it.
    The only thing wrong with that wuz she had just dropped her earing and no one else in McDonalds could hear the music on yer iPod!

  3. In the early ’70’s my cousin had a hot red Mustang and beautiful, thick wavy shoulder length hair. It was great fun to hear the stories of the guy in the car behind catching up to give a wink and a smile only to find the thick, wavy hair belonged to a guy with an equally exquisite mustache – and an ear to ear grin!

  4. Imagine this bumper sticker:
    “Honk if my lazy ass is too busy texting to notice the green light.”
    I imagine it at least 5 times every day I drive home from work.

  5. We use to mess with a guy at work and put a cardboard cutout into the spare tire on his jeep that said honk if you think I’m gay. He couldn’t figure out why everybody was honking at him. He wasn’t gay, but that’s what your friends do to you. All in good fun in the 80’s

  6. So he pulls into the parking lot the next morning and it’s still wedged into the spare tire. I went out at lunch and retrieved it and saved it for another day. And yes he’s polish. 😂 got him one more time after that. 😂

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