Honoring the History of the Democrat Party, Biden Hangs Portraits of Slave Traders in Oval Office – IOTW Report

Honoring the History of the Democrat Party, Biden Hangs Portraits of Slave Traders in Oval Office

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:On Wednesday, AP photographers got a look at President 46’s personal changes to the Oval Office shortly before he arrived at the White House to begin work. Right away they noticed that the portrait of populist President Andrew Jackson was gone, replaced by a portrait of notorious womanizer, Benjamin Franklin. more

15 Comments on Honoring the History of the Democrat Party, Biden Hangs Portraits of Slave Traders in Oval Office

  1. Hey, Trump-hating America, it must really suck to realize that not only did you “elect” a fake brain-dead executive officer, but you also assisted in the installation of the most racist and bigoted junta since Pol Pot.

    Let that salt burn in your ass for a while, you stupid fucking cretins.

  2. It won’t be very much longer and those ugly portraits of Obammy and Mooch will get their rightful place inside the Offal Office. They will be proof this really is Obammy’s third term, but without the stealthy plans for the destruction of the country. There’s nothing subtle about Dementia Joe Obiden Bama. He’s the Full Catastrophe without any subterfuge. His stupidity is on full display every time he opens his befuddled mouth.

  3. Kamala Harris great grandfather should be up there on those walls then. If and slave holder is a requirement?

    And Franklin was WAY more than a ‘notorious womanizer’.

    He was a Man of All Times.

    He may have been the Greatest American, a hero and a legend at the same time?

  4. I know it is illegal, but I wish Trump would have taken the Bust of Churchill with him for temporary safe keeping and to be permanently placed in Trumps Presidential Library in future.

    Soft men make hard times joe.


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