‘Hooker Wear’ – IOTW Report

‘Hooker Wear’

Patriot Retort: With the election of Kyrsten Sinema, apparently the United States Senate had to relax its dress code.

Ladies and gents, I give you Hooker Wear – for that Street Walker look the World’s Most Deliberative Body was lacking.  Go see

31 Comments on ‘Hooker Wear’

  1. Sinema is just channelling Michelle Zero — nothing beats the thigh-high gold-lame boots/tights/street-walker combo that she wore to a recent TV show.

    Is the US Senate somewhat classier than a TV show ?? Not now anyways.

  2. HEY, those hallowed marble floors don’t polish themselves and the boots keep the rug burns away as you try to get a bill passed….AOC has some stiff competition….HEH!….

  3. Problem?!!!
    They all are whores they may as well dress that way.
    I’d like to see Collins and Murkowski in tube tops and Romney in yoga pants to make obvious to the LoFos who they are truly.

  4. We are living in interesting times – unfortunaty.

    Psychos like this woman, cortez, tlaib, etc getting elected reflects who enough voters have become.

    This is exactly what the Second.Amendment protects us from.

  5. As a woman, I am disguste by the females that were elected to represent people in this country.

    They are a narcissitic bunch of losers. What a shame more women with class and brains don’t run for office. But then, why would they want to be a part of what our government has become.

  6. Seat her next to that hijab wearin muzzy and let’s see how long she lasts before she is called a infidel whore… which is what she looks like and probably is.

    Well, if nothing else, she is certainly an attention whore.

  7. This woman never looked like this when I saw her running against McSally. Why didn’t she show who she really was in her commercials and on the campaign trail if she is so proud of this skank look?!


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