Hope ala Obama – IOTW Report

Hope ala Obama


“Hope is what gives young people the strength to march for women’s rights and workers’ rights and civil rights and voting rights and gay rights and immigration rights. Cynicism is a bad choice. Hope is a better choice.” [Barack Obama at Labor Fest, September 1]

Oh, sweet merciful Zeus.

Not “Hope” again!

We’re living the results of Hope ala Obama.

Six years of this crap sandwich, and are you better off?

Six years of President “Hope’nChange” and are young people stronger? Do they have better prospects for the future?

Honestly, this man is so full of it, he squeaks.



10 Comments on Hope ala Obama

  1. That’s not “hope” that you’re looking at. That’s a tool used to complete the “inevitability”, bro. 😉

    The very reason we own weapons is because we know that eventually we will have to defend ourselves against the hope crowd.

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