Hope Hicks Named White House Comms Director – IOTW Report

Hope Hicks Named White House Comms Director

Hope Hicks will be named the new White House communications director, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

President Trump has offered the job to Hicks and she has accepted the position, according to a White House insider. Hicks has been close by Trump’s side since the early days of the campaign and is one of his most trusted staffers.

(MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)


The communications position has been open since President Trump ditched Anthony Scaramucci just ten days after the Mooch took over the position from former White House press secretary Sean Spicer. Scaramucci’s firing was triggered by Trump’s decision to bring on Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly as his new chief of staff in July.

Hicks did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

12 Comments on Hope Hicks Named White House Comms Director

  1. I don’t envy Trump and I hope she’s a fighter. The past few months has shown Trump that he can’t trust anybody and the stress from that in a town like DC with the job the country desperatly needs him to do must be tremendous. So far he’s holding his own and in fact winning some but he needs trustworthy reinforcement fast and I hope she one. Fangs out Ms. Hicks.

  2. I cannot believe the sh*t that I am reading on my FB newsfeed. People are defending AntiFa because they were standing up to the Nazis. No clue as to who the AntiFa is. Or maybe they have been conditioned by violent Seattle May Days that it’s just not any big deal.

    DJT needs to make a speech to the nation and tell everyone to calm the F down- just like he did today- and tell it like it is. ecplain that this is community organizing for anyone who hasn’t got a clue.

    I hope that all historical properties have beefed up security. I cannot believe what I am witnessing. What’s worse is that just about everyone I know is fine with it-embraces AntiFa. WTF

    My parents, they are 87, are beside themselves. They are scared for me and my future and thankful that I don’t have kids seeing how the country has declined.

    Anyway. Had to vent. 😡😡

  3. I don’t want her megawatt beauty contaminated by the ugliness of the Stalinpress in the fetid shoebox full of unwashed, alcoholic, diseased scum.

    They ruin anything decent and beautiful.

  4. Scaramucci was not “ousted by Kelly”.
    Scaramucci self-destructed. He committed instant career suicide by drunk-dialing his Lefty reporter “pal” and badmouthing all his new WH coworkers. On the record. The mind boggles.
    He was too stupid to last. So he didn’t.

    Trump deserves a good WH Comms Director who will yank press passes (Acosta first, then all CNN as a warning), turn the cameras OFF for all Q&A, and revoke most of the accumulated WH Press perks.

  5. Hope Hicks is the gal who masterfully took Ramos by the elbow and helped him understand the rules for journalists at Trump presser. She has the eyes of an eagle, is fearless like her boss and as graceful as FLOTUS.

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