Horowitz: ‘It is clear’ the American public has ‘turned on Joe Biden’ – IOTW Report

Horowitz: ‘It is clear’ the American public has ‘turned on Joe Biden’

Ami Horowitz on Biden, and the other Biden.

Despite all the “Herculean” efforts of his allies in the media, it is clear that the American public has turned on Joe Biden, according to documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz.

“His poll numbers are suffering – they are precipitously dropping and they don’t know what to do about it,” Mr Horowitz told Outsiders.

“They’re trying to pull whatever spin they possibly can, you know, ‘fleeting inflation’, they keep saying that, or it’s ‘core producer price index’.

“They start getting the minutia of inflation saying it’s ‘not really inflation’ – but people aren’t that dumb, people see right through it.”

18 Comments on Horowitz: ‘It is clear’ the American public has ‘turned on Joe Biden’

  1. That or “the American people” did not vote for him but rather the election was stolen.

    Either way- someone notify me when the 2nd Civil war starts. To my shame I’m no John Brown. But once it starts rocking I’d like to find out if I have what it takes to make the history books.

  2. …they’ll just blame Trump.
    And Whypeopo.
    And Climate Change.
    And Antivaxxers.

    Always worked before.

    And then use it to rob us further and take our guns when we complain.

    The republicans will launch an investigation. Expect a carefully, but sternly worded, letter in a decade or so…

  3. Liberals have turned on him because the media told them to.
    Now there are rumors Pelosi will retire and talk yesterday of both Bidumb and Harris being impeached or forced to resign.
    No one wants Harris to be POTUS when Biden resigns and if both of them leave office no one wants the Drinker in Chief to be POTUS.
    So next in line would be Leahy and Blinken.
    No globalist commie is a good choice.

  4. Those who honestly voted for Biden have NO RIGHT to be pissed off. THIS is what you wanted THIS is what you got. I guess you don’t like it because it affects you. Tough shit.


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