Horrific video of brutal attacks in a Michigan nursing home emerges – IOTW Report

Horrific video of brutal attacks in a Michigan nursing home emerges

American Thinker:
By William Sullivan

Video has emerged of a young man in Michigan, who has been identified on social media as Jadon Hayden, verbally and physically abusing senior citizens.  As a fair word of warning, should you choose to follow the links provided below, that you cannot unsee this terrible footage.

The attacker is a physically imposing man, to say the least.  In one video, he stands in the dark as an elderly woman sleeps and a television is heard in the background.  Videoing himself, he proceeds to punch the frail woman lying on the bed several times.  She does not even cry out, signifying either that such abuse is common for her or that she’s incapable of doing so.  There is a twisted irony in the attacker beating this poor woman while incorrectly wearing the face mask that he, ostensibly, put on in order to protect her.

The video more commonly shared has been of the same attacker standing over a thin, elderly man lying face down on a bed.  He rains blows on the back of the man’s head as the man slowly moves his hands to shield himself.  He then goes to move the old man off the bed and punches the man’s face several times, which begins to bleed and swell.  The attacker then picks up the camera that he deliberately positioned to capture the assault and films the bleeding, tortured man on the ground.  Audibly winded, the attacker begins to narrate:

See the b—–ass nigga right here, get off my bed.  This b—–ass nigga right here.  Get off my bed, nigga.  F— off my bed.

He then gently grabs the sheet and videos himself wiping the blood from the old man’s face.

Adding to the horrific revelation that he videoed himself committing this violence is the fact that he appears to have set up two cameras (here is the second video) to record the event, as there are two separate vantage points recorded.  He even stops to look at both of his cameras.  (In this cut of the video, this happens at 0:19 and 0:21.)  He wanted to see himself torturing this poor man from different angles. more

38 Comments on Horrific video of brutal attacks in a Michigan nursing home emerges

  1. where is the outcry for charging him w/ ‘Hate Crime’? this definitely fits the description of ‘premeditated’

    seriously, it’s a Hate Crime, as defined by the left … because if they don’t charge this a Hate Crime, then NOTHING is a Hate Crime

    …. so sick of this shit (said the last living cell in the dead body … )

  2. …I don’t like being right.

    I keep hoping something changes in human nature. I keep praying my understanding of evil is as dated as I am. I keep hoping my experiences of decades ago don’t translate into modernity.

    But that hope is in vain.

    In this article here,


    ..I posted this…

    APRIL 29, 2020 AT 10:54 AM
    …I’ve been in a lot if nursing homes.

    I GUARANTEE the patients are getting abused and neglected with the families not there to WATCH them.


    …most nursing homes are poorly administrated and hire from the low end of the health care pool. Elderly people are frustrating and difficult to deal with. Neglect is more common, but unstable employees do sometimes abuse, even rape, their charges.”

    …almost a month ago. I am no prophet, no psychic, I didn’t get any messages on an Ouija board.

    I just know people.

    …and now I see THIS story in answer.

    I saw crap when I was a callow lad visiting my witless grandmother in a nursing home, how my father had to constantly monitor them and moved her several times because of poor patient care bordering on neglect. When I got older, I started to run squad to managed care facilities where patients “fell out of their beds” in the middle of the night, frequently onto their faces, and oddly enough, with the same keeper. Seen patients with 4th degree decubitus ulcers, clear to the bone, because no one even moved them or changed their sheets. Patients left marinating in their own urine and feces until they are mewling from skin infections.

    And this was when families COULD visit them.

    …now, with families safely locked out, the elderly seem to be viewed as rightless, incompetent liabilities of the State, without control of even who they may see and when as a free citizen of the United States should expect by RIGHT. No, they are imprisioned by fear, given whatever level of “care” may suit the facility until their death by Corona can be arranged that the State may both be finally quit of their Medicare liability and also get one last tax impoundment from them in the form of an inheritance tax when their estate tries to pass anything left over that the nursing home somehow failed to absorb, so the State gets a DOUBLE benefit and “Coronavirus” DX keeps the curious away. After all, what coroner is going to investigate an oldster who dies in a nursing home with a staff physician who already signed off on the fashionable and profitable Corona cause of death?

    Coroners are political animals, too.

    No worries, though, the legacy of the elderly will be that they still get to vote in many elections to come.

    Democrat, of course.

    I fought this when and as I could, inciting inquiries, observations in Squad reports that needed answered, conversations with DAs, sometimes with down low threats to the more egegious offenders that they needed to find a new line of work. Maybe it helped short term, maybe not.

    It sure didn’t change anything LONG term, though.

    Here we are in brave new 2020. Life has been cheapend by Democrats on both ends to the point where Democrats openly discuss “mothers” being able to have their BORN babies executed for the terrible crime of inconvenience, while every time I go to the doctor’s office I am confronted with ads for hospice “care” and exhortative posters encouraging an “End Of Life” discussion with the doctor, even as Obamacare moves to limit heroic means of extending the lives of the elderly for fiscal reasons, as the State has now granted itself a fiduciary duty to let, or maybe even FORCE, its senior citizens to die.

    Meanwhile, hospices euthanize with morphine what doesn’t starve to death quickly enough. Morphine is a GREAT respiratory depressant that can be given under the guise of “Pain Relief”, and with a Hospice required DNR in play, is not survivable.

    Don’t tell me otherwise: I’ve SEEN it.

    …so here we are. Bracketed by abortion and euthanasia, our medical care completely at the mercy of the State, a seasonal flu elevated to mythical propotions to easily paper over the deaths of the inconvenient.

    And me sitting here typing this out, in full knowledge of it, but powerless to do anything about it.

    …how I WANT to be wrong. About human nature, about elderly abuse, about Govenment sponsored murder of those who no longer serve its purpose.

    …but I’m NOT.
    …each passing day proves that I’m NOT.

    …I know the Lord will exact Justice on these bastards by and by.

    …but I can’t help but think we should be arranging for them to meet Him as quickly as possible…

    …Its late, and everyone’s asleep. Good night.

    …just pray you don’t awake to be the NEXT one the State deems useless.

  3. It is a very sad day in America when are fellow citizens are abused in this way, with no regard for human life. There are so many problems within the system, you simply can’t fire anyone anymore for fear they will be accused of racism, sexism, or they have to meet a minority quota, so the question needs to be asked, do they even qualify for the job in the first place? I hope there will be justice for these folks.

  4. A twisted update to the story is that the perp is mentally ill and should not have been assigned work at that old folks home. That’s according to the perp’s father.

    Karma will put this perp on Bill Gates’ floor some day.
    In a perfect world.

  5. The Michigan AG is breathlessly ovulating that The Donald didn’t wear a mask yet no comment from her on this horror story.

    That’s all you need to know about her.

  6. SNS.

    “I keep hoping something changes in human nature.”

    You’re better off accepting and believing what the word of God says about human nature: it is so hopelessly corrupt and irredeemable that He condemned it at the cross of Christ. To the extent anyone keeps hoping for the unchangeable to somehow change itself, that person is being a humanist.

  7. Does anyone know which story is correct?
    I’ve read one report that said the sadist worked there, and another one that said the guy was rehabing there from the Wu Hu Flu, per Gretch the Wretch’s orders.
    Either way, this demon needs to be put down.

  8. In the stories I’m seeing about elderly people being abused, it’s almost always white elderly people being abused by blacks.

    Gee, it’s as if all of the racism bullshit spewed out 24/7 by our disgusting media is swallowed by these low IQ nursing home workers. They rationalize their inhumanity to helpless whites as retribution.

    Funny thing though, with a 7x difference between black on white v white on black violent crime, even with whites having almost 5x the population, bet your ass that same rationalization is in play with most blacks.

    If you live any where where seeing one is more than rare & infrequent, you are literally playing Russian Roulette every time you leave your home.

  9. So the nursing home makes no attempts to vet its employees?? Who’s party to the crime? Would a bank do a back ground check?? Now we print up get out of jail cards for the mentally ill. What cards do the victims get?? Welcome to the third world live at six.

  10. Tucker ran a story on this the other night. There have been half a dozen recent attacks. All black people attacking old white people except for the guy who murdered nursing home patients. Only the murderer faces jail time.
    That is why it isn’t in the news.

  11. The only way I learned about this incident was the internet. No MSM, no mention on the radio…nothing! I was so MAD when I watched the old man video, then come to learn that there was another video of a woman!! This is most disgusting and horrible thing I’ve seen online in years. The dude, filmed himself! So he planned it. That kept running through my mind on that day, making me angrier and angrier. It still bothers me, as I try to figure out a way to help people in that situation have some recourse or defense. The only thing I could come up with is a CAMERA… like they do for doorbells these days. Make it mandatory. It uploads to the kids’ cloud so no manipulation by the facility. DO IT. Keeps honest people, honest.

  12. grool
    MAY 24, 2020 AT 5:47 AM
    “… To the extent anyone keeps hoping for the unchangeable to somehow change itself, that person is being a humanist.”

    …why do we always seem to end up here, @grool? You are very good at doctrine and very versed in the Word, but you could spend a bit of time with the nuances of language before assumung that every forlorn desire for a better today is somehow an assault on the sovereignity of the Lord.

    ..I say “hope”, and mean “hope”. That is not the same as “expect”. I have a very low opinion of human nature that was baked in by years of practical observation of the aftermath of scum like this to tell me all I needed to know about the corrupt nature of Man, and had a pretty hardened cynical shell about it LONG before I read it in the Word. I did not like people as a result, or have ANY hope for them as,you say, a humanist.

    The ONLY thing that GAVE me hope was the Lord.

    Without Him, I would NEVER expect people to be more than upright beasts. WITH Him, as the Word says, ALL things seemed possible.

    The Lord I read about CAN soften hearts. The Lord I read about CAN protect the weak. The Lord I read about CAN teach mercy to the merciless, and even make sevants to Himself out of them, as Saul/Paul could tell you.

    It’s NOT a hope based on MAN. Paul did NOT turn HIMSELF around. No, it’s a hope in the mercy, the power, the glory of a living God ONLY that the evil of Man can be blunted, that the Lord can use any man, even the worst, for His purposes.

    No, @grool, I have no hope for Man to save himself, that was beaten out of me long ago.

    My hope, my trust, my faith is in my Lord, which is why I pray to Him on these matters.

    I know the Book says it gets real bad, that things don’t generally improve until the Lord returns, that Man isn’t going to wake up collectively one day and be Little Miss Mary Sunshine. I’m not stupid, @grool.

    But does that make it WRONG for me to pray that He makes His sign on His creation from time to time as ever He has, using His prophets to impart His wisdom, stay the hand of a tyrant who only He could stop as a mark of His glory, change souls on a daily basis? Am I not to pray for THAT, that there is SOME sign that more have come to the Lord since the days of my youth?

    Am I to think it would be too much to ask, too hard for the Lord, beyond the power of the Almighty to call ANYONE, even THIS vermin, to his knees before him and transform him into His child before our very eyes?

    No @grool, I WILL believe my Lord can do ANYTHING He chooses to do and that He CAN be swayed by prayers, as His word says, and CONTINUE to pray for Him to turn around the folly of Man even as we rush towards the End Times.

    I will continue to have hope for man, the ONLY hope I’ve EVER had for man, and THAT hope is named Jesus, and He can do ANYTHING.

    That hope is present too. I am no better in the Lord’s eyes than this nursing home beater, nor are you, nor are ANY of us. He just chose to lead us, by many different paths, to the one Door that matters, which is faith in Him. I could have turned to evil, I had many opportunities to kill, had many desires to harm, even have had some pretty convincing humanistic justifications to do so over the years…but I didn’t. But not because I’m good or worthy, but because the Lord who made me is, and chose to lead me from evil on those occasions even when I knew Him not.

    Is it wrong for me to hope on Him that He could touch even a man such as this? Is that what you’re telling me, strap in, let the world turn to it’s inevitable evil, and don’t even raise a hand in supplication to the Lord that He may even NOW turn some away from despair?

    I’m sorry, @grool, but I will NOT set aside my hope that He may yet turn aside His wrath for just a little longer.

    He did so when Moses begged for the lives of Israel in the wilderness.

    He did so at Ninevah when Jonah who was sent to reach him even ASKED the Ninevites be smitten, but they had turned from their ways.

    He even spared the jailer in Acts when He opened the prisons with an earthquake but kept all the prisoners in their place so the man did not kill himself before the Lord could use him.

    He gave HOPE.

    He IS hope.

    …this has never come naturally to me @grool, still doesn’t, I still have too much anger, too much of a difficulty forgiving some things, too much of a desire for human justice instead of patience for the Lord’s Justice. Yes, I struggle with this in my faith walk, I know this is a weakness that may well keep me from Heaven, that makes it hard to lead my family to Him, that keeps me from serving His will, and I pray and work on it every day. And I respect how you are always biblically correct, how the Lord has evidently gifted you with a true understanding of His word, how you seem to seek to show the unalterability of His final design, as you should.

    It would just be nice if you would, on occasion, pray with those you exchange with here for your level of understanding instead of simply applying labels and moving on.

    Call me a humanist if you will, I and any who would crave a spark of the Lord’s mercy in these fallen times. You may even be technically correct that it’s a tendency away from the Word.

    But you could leaven that harshness with guidance and prayer. Shine His light, the evidently STRONG light He has given to you, don’t just leave us standing hopeless and condemed with your labels in the dark.

    Thats all I ask.

  13. SNS,

    There’s a time for gentleness, I’ll give you that.

    This isn’t it.

    No disrespect to you but sugar-coating hard truths in desperate days is reserved only for the smallest children and the dim. You are neither.

    If I ever seem harsh, I’m just being direct and honest. Mankind CANNOT improve its overall bent, as thousands of years of recorded history *apart from Scripture* abundantly prove beyond any sane argument to the contrary. That fact sucks, but it’s still a fact. As a race, it’s what we are and have been since Adam.

    So do we wish, hope, and pray that human nature somehow self-corrects, against all the evidence that it has zero chance of doing so?

    Or are we to steel ourselves, as adults should, in an increasingly wicked and godless world that will only get worse before He comes again?

    That’s one of those questions which to ask is to answer.

  14. “Good” nursing homes are crappy. Bad nursing homes are
    hellholes. Most are bad.
    The local governments don’t have more than a few inspectors
    for many thousands of residents and lack of care and plain
    abuse is rampant.

  15. So the dad is starting the mental illness defense huh? He’s not mentally ill he’s plain evil. Does mentally ill have facebook pages or a gym membership? Well he does.

  16. Back in the seventies and eighties, Democrats managed to get people moved out of nursing homes and into halfway homes, even if they were terrified of leaving, many of whom should not have been on the street (if only for their own safety). My mom and dad worked at a home. I saw it with an older mentally retarded man named John who cried when they told him he had to leave.

    Now they’re taking people who should not be on the street and putting them in nursing homes. Their judgment will be something to behold.

  17. They, government officials, purposely put a mentally retarded African with the Chi Com virus into a nursing home filled with old white people! If he doesn’t kill them by spreading the virus he will kill them by beating them to death! Same result!

  18. grool and SNS, I believe you two are talking about different things. SNS it talking about individual people being changed BY GOD, “stay the hand of a tyrant who only He could stop as a mark of His glory, change souls on a daily basis” and grool is talking about “Mankind CANNOT improve its overall bent”.

    I used to pray that Obama would have a Damascus Road experience with God while he was president. I still pray that will happen, but have expanded it to the current leaders, Pelosi, Schiff, Schummer and even some RINOs like Mitt.

    Changing mankind will never happen. Not even at the Judgement Seat. Those individuals who will not change will be condemned, thus their soul will forever be evil.

    But God will sometimes, if it’s his will, change individuals. He changed me and has continually toinked me on the head to remember what he wants me to do. That happens every day to millions of people, mostly when they pray and read God’s word, but many times when we need a wakeup.

    God told us to pray for our enemies. That evil man who beat up those poor people is my enemy. I pray that he will never ever see another human in his lifetime. I want him to rot in solitary confinement until he is dead. But I also pray that God will use that time to reach him.

  19. That nigger needs to be tied to a tree and blow-torched to death. Post that on YouTube and these legions of nigger scumbags who abuse and murder old white people will think twice… or even once for the first time in their shitty nigger lives.

  20. I’m with you FarmWife… the ‘mental illness’ ruse is being used to deflect his Hateful Racist upbringing. Don’t tell me he doesn’t spout off at home about how Blacks are superior to Whites…etc, etc. THEY KNOW and they are busted raising this hateful human and foisting him on the public. God Help US..

  21. …thank you Claudia. I have many words of my own, but few to the point, and I usually get tripped trying to discuss the words the Holy Spirit tries to explain to me. I do not articulate His word well as I sometimes still can’t receive it well, for the poor reasons I have many times discussed here. It is my failing and something I have to pray through, but it sometimes causes me to get frustrated when I can’t lucidly discuss these things with those of greater understanding such as @grool here, who is so unflinchingly in the Word that I get unwarrantedly angry that I can’t even operate on the same level, so you are right that I sometimes feel that this inability to connect causes us to talk past each other instead of buoying up the faith of any who may be reading.

    It’s very frustrating to me, but that’s no one’s fault but mine.

    That’s one of many reasons I appreciate this forum, and most especially you, @Claudia. You put your finger right on it and articulate it for all to see. You’ve always had a gift for herding cats, and you bless us when you use it.

    Apologies to all for any confusion I caused.

  22. Good Gawd don’t overthink this.
    This is garden variety cruelty of someone with power in a room with someone who has none. He’s mean and crazy and craven.
    Vigilante his ass and be done with him.
    If there was any hope for mankind to grow up and act right God would not have sent his Son down here to pay for our sorry asses.
    The only great change in Man’s attitude will come when the Trumpet sounds.

  23. Claudia, with all respect, I think SNS and myself actually were talking about the same thing. We were just using different terminology.

    I keep on being surprised that professing Christians are continually shocked and suprised at the utter depravity always on display from mankind. I don’t mean depravity as the Calvinists mean it. I mean in the biblical sense, that man is fundamentally a being that LOVES sin and HATES God’s law writt ed n in his own heart.

    I accept that as the way things are. So I’m not at all surprised when a powerfully-built man beats old people nearly to death. I’m not surprised by child rapists. I’m not surprised by thieves. All this and more is part of human nature. It enrages me, but none of it surprises me. Some people try to resist it, others indulge it, but we all have it within us.

  24. One last thing that has to be said.

    God doesn’t “change” anyone. God does not renovate or reform human nature. Rather, He’s already condemned it as irredeemably lost.

    What He does is judicially KILLS the repentant sinner…He counts that old person (who we all are in Adam) as dead on the cross of Christ. That person is now declared dead to sin, dead to law, and newly ALIVE to God as a NEW creation in Christ.

    The believer is forever cut off from Adam and created anew in the second Adam, Christ.

    That’s why Paul says old things had passed away, behold ALL had become new. That’s why he said the life he led was not his anymore, but was literally the life of Christ within him.

    How’s that possible? Because God counts the old man as legally DEAD…not changed, redeemed, or rejuvenated, but DEAD in the death of Christ.

    The first eight chapters of Romans explains all this in very plain language, esp. chapters 6 and 7.

    ALL THIS IS OURS FREELY, JUST AS WE ARE, WITHOUT LIFTING ONE FINGER OF WORK, but only upon believing the saving good news of 1 Corinthians 15:3-4.

    So the wise thing, the biblical thing, the godly thing to pray for ourselves and for others who do evil is NOT that God changes or reforms us, or grants us the power to do it ourselves. HE’S NOT GOING TO DO THAT FOR ANYONE.

    If we want to be in line with God’s will, we should pray that he slays us in Christ in order that we be made anew in Christ.

    Believe 1 Cor 15:3-4 and He’ll do it instantly.

  25. See this guy? It just popped in my inbox.


    If he repents (acknowledges before God that he’s a sinner and worthy of Hell) and believes the saving gospel, he would be saved immediately, forgiven completely, and declared a holy saint in Christ forever.


    Because this diseased child rapist is the very type of person Christ died for: a sinner who absolutely deserves the Lake of Fire.

    And in myself, so do I.

    So do we all.

    That’s who Christ died for: the sick and helpless. Not for people who are self-righteously confident that they are just good enough to help earn their way to Heaven by working off some portion of an INFINITE debt of sin. That’s blind foolishness, but very common thinking.

    If we could add any credit towards our own redemption from sin, it spits on His cross. It tells Him, “Sorry, you didn’t do quite enough. Let me help You save me.”

    Drop all that religious dung before it damns you. Trust Him today: He did all you and I will ever need…God Himself promised it.

  26. grool, I understand your point now. I do agree with you. I know that we are all sinners, some are more vile to our sensibilities, but to God, murder and lying are sin. Without God’s providence, we all are lost. That is what it is and we should not be surprised when it manifests in this life.

    In our society, the more egregious expressions of sin are repulsive while the little white lie is accepted. God does not accept either. As Christians, we spend our whole lives giving up our sins as God leads us (if we pay attention to his leading us). We will never arrive, yet to God we are forgiven.

    So, your statement about “professing Christians are continually shocked and surprised at the utter depravity always on display from mankind” is accurate. If we, as professing/practicing Christians constantly fail in our walk with God, we should know that those who are not God’s children will fail. Many will fail spectacularly and in ways most disgusting, repulsive and sickeningly hideous. We shouldn’t be surprised.

    It may be that our response to acts like this is more of a disgust, anger and lashing out for the act, than it is surprise. I don’t know what others reactions are unless they actually state that they are surprised. I only know what my reaction was, and that was disgust, sadness and the call for retribution as I commented above with the wish for his fate.

  27. Claudia, understood. Thanks for your thoughtful reply.

    Several posts here also raise an interesting issue which a lot of Christians seem confused over: capital punishment.

    My view is simple. God instituted human government and one of the duties of government is to “not bear the sword in vain.” If something is against the law of the land and is legally worthy of death, TOUGH, shoulda thought it through first. Only an ignorant Christian (or a lying wolf dressed as a sheep) would say “But Jesus would have mercy on them!” or “But God said to forgive!” Nope, civil order is a completely different contextual matter, and God made that very clear.


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