Horrifying way to meat your maker – IOTW Report

Horrifying way to meat your maker

Ohio meat factory worker killed after falling into waste grinder.

Dec. 17 (UPI) — A worker at a meat-processing factory in Canton, Ohio was killed on the job after he fell into a waste grinder Saturday.

Samuel Martinez, 62, died on the scene at the Fresh Mark facility. Martinez, a Guatemalan national, stepped into a chute and he got caught in a waste auger at the facility, according to the Canton Repository.

“This afternoon just before 5 p.m., we experienced a work-related fatality at our Canton facility,” Brittany Julian, director of marketing at Fresh Mark, said in a statement released to the Beacon Journal/Ohio.com. “Our primary concern rests with the well-being of this employee’s family, as well as with the safety and wellbeing of all our employees in the Canton and other Fresh Mark facilities. We are working with authorities to determine the facts regarding this incident.”

Martinez is the second worker at the Fresh mark facility in Canton to be killed on the job since 2011.

That year, 20-year-old Marcos Perez-Velasquez, who was also from Guatemala,died from electrocution when he tried to plug in a fan while standing in water.

Fresh Mark produces bacon, hot dogs, dry sausage, ham and deli meats.

A recent Government Accountability Office report found that 151 meat and poultry workers died in work-related incidents between 2004 to 2013.

41 Comments on Horrifying way to meat your maker

  1. “he got caught”.
    Tough luck that. There are many trades that offer similar gruesome results if you don’t pay attention all the time. In Washington’s RCW’s one can know their hair is too long when it catches on fire. Samuel just became an organ donor without having to die first. A well fed pig is a happy pig.

  2. I’m guessing he was kicking or jumping on to get it unstuck.
    Standard operating procedure south of the border.
    I worked for a company that someone else witnessed this with a 100 hp electric wood chipper down in a ground vault at a mill. No he didn’t die but probably lost some of his hearing.

  3. Don’t forget the maintenance workers in this. Unless you have ever had to work on equipment that someone lost their life on, you just can’t understand what they are about to go through.

    Sometimes you just have to walk away from the job, and take your chances on getting fired. It is easy to get so comfortable when doing these jobs over and over that you lose sight of just how dangerous they are. We have all taken dumb chances and done dumb things. By the grace of God, I am alive today after a freak accident years ago.

    Once you actually see the devastation these machines can cause, you will not take those chances again. I pray that none of you will ever know what that looks like, or experience it in any matter, way, shape or form.

  4. Charlie, I was going to do the four bears. I have a hair in my hot dog, I have a tooth in mine, I have an ass hole in mine. Well the end of mine looks like the head of a Penis.

    I know, I’m a sick bastard.

  5. Limb shredders or chippers are also very dangerous. I’ve never used one. I learned you’re supposed to throw the limb in. Not push it in. If you hold onto the limb the machines can pull your arm in faster than you can let go of it.

    Twenty some years ago I installed a computerized imagining system at a trauma hospital. This was when hospitals were transitioning from film to digital imaging. Standing by monitoring the system during first use an image popped up on the screen of a guy’s forearm that had been pulled into a shredder. It looked like an oblong ball of noodles, with finger nails in places they shouldn’t be. His forearm had been wrapped in gauze for transport to the ER.

    It happened to a young twenty something year old guy, married just over a year with a young child. It was a terrible thing to happen to a young man just starting a family.

  6. When first out of the service got a job pulling wire on a industrial construction site.
    The master electrician told me: “Push your tape in there, it will come out there, pull 3 #12, black, white and green.”
    “There” was down a hall in another room, a tape is a flexible steel rod used to pull wire through conduit.
    I started pushing the tape in and periodically going down the hall to look for the end so I could pull wire back. I had made several trips looking for the end, scratching my head.
    The master showed up, looking a little crazy. He had told me the wrong conduit to use and the metal tape was feeding into the back of a motor control panel, straight down on a 440 volt buss.
    He was red in the face from running and yelling, only problem is the motors were running, couldn’t hear a damn thing. Glad the conduit was steel and the tape grounded, saved my bacon.

  7. Old-er told the story about a guy in a car factory who was grinding out the inside of a hood press. It wasn’t tagged out and was still under pressure so as the guy was working on the bottom of the press the upper part slowly lost pressure and descended upon him. He was supposedly doing this at lunch so nobody else was around. By the time he noticed what was going on, he had no room to get out. Guys had to crawl into the press with putty knives and a hose to remove him.

    I consider the story BS from an old-timer but it’s not impossible.

  8. A truly tragic story. But, and be my guest to look this up too, the average IQ of persons from Guatemala is 79. When you have a person like that around hazardous equipment, accidents like this WILL happen.

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