Horseface Kerry to Oil and Gas Workers Who Lose Their Jobs Because of Biden’s War on Energy: ‘Go Make Solar Panels’ – IOTW Report

Horseface Kerry to Oil and Gas Workers Who Lose Their Jobs Because of Biden’s War on Energy: ‘Go Make Solar Panels’

Gateway Pundit: John Kerry, the Biden Admin’s Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, has a message to oil and gas workers: make solar panels.

Joe Biden killed tens of thousands of jobs his first day in office when he canceled contracts with the Keystone XL pipeline and waged a war on the energy business.

This is just the beginning — millions of US jobs are at risk now that Biden is stopping new oil and gas leases on federal lands.

But fear not because John Kerry, who has done nothing but lie, cheat and grift his entire life is here to save the day. more

41 Comments on Horseface Kerry to Oil and Gas Workers Who Lose Their Jobs Because of Biden’s War on Energy: ‘Go Make Solar Panels’

  1. Those in the industry that voted for Trump, you have my condolences.
    For the union leadership that endorsed Biden, well, what can I say?
    Eat a bag of dicks?
    Of course I wouldn’t say that because you are already full from eating a bag of democrat dicks.
    So sad…

  2. I see they updated the “learn to code” advice. These people hate us. And now that they know they can steal elections with impunity, they no longer have to hide their hatred.

  3. You would think that since his step son and biden’s kid were doing business with a crooked company in ukraine, he would just stay away from the bidens all together. But, no. He’s a dumbass.

  4. I put this same reply when I saw this on the Twitter:

    He was asked about oil and gas jobs. Why is he twittering on about black lung disease and coal miners?

    And STOP calling people “folks”. I effing hate that. Obama did it all the time to , and it drives me crazeeee!

  5. There’s a reason there are 25,000 troops in Washington.
    – They ain’t protecting you or me.
    – They ain’t protecting politicians that are doing great work for average Americans
    – They are protecting politicians that are destroying the lives of average Americans

  6. Solar & wind ain’t ready and may never be.
    Better start up space mining.
    Solar panels use rare earth metals.
    There is a reason they are called “rare earth”

  7. Kerry’s a gigolo. Got rich off 2 wives with big inheritances.
    He’s never worked a day in his life.
    His purple heart was for a cut finger.
    He thinks of us “folks” as beneath him but truth is he’s the lowest of lowlifes.
    Not to mention he should at least have been sent to federal prison for aiding and abetting the enemy the traitorous weasel.

  8. solyndra
    yah, that worked

    Here at Amalgamated Consolidators Inc., we’re developing a new mask that contains a language translator. While wearing the mask, all one will need to do is talk into it, and chainese will come out and be heard.
    I miss America

  9. Jackass “Le Petomane” Joe said: “Learn to code”
    The arrogance of the Left is absolutely staggering!
    We Fukin Took It – Screw You!

    Now we have to listen to Monsieur Jean Fraud Gigilo Goodhair, the not-too-swift-boat, medal-tossing, tax-dodging, flip-flopping, arrogant, self-absorbed, hung-like-a-field-mouse, moisturizing-metrosexual, Jihad Coddling, precognitive-Global Warming Meteorologist and Politically Correct, gold-digging, ketchup money-loving, Easter Island fashion model with Churchill Downs Syndrome tell us to Make a solar panel, Learn to Code or Enroll in Basket Weaving 101!!
    Kiss my ass Jawn Carry!

  10. …you realize the point here is Democrat retribution for daring to work at a politically proscribed job, and a threat that you’d better not work a job not approved by The Party in future or you’ll get more of the same…

  11. So 1/2 a million oil industry workers now unemployed will be making solar panels? Does that mean they will have to move to China? After all, under democrat rule that’s where all the manufacturing will go. Again.

  12. Let’s see dipship. Robl people of a 6 figure income to jump down to a poverty level 30k income (for a management position)…..Maybe that’s why theys’a rasin’ the miniumum wage to $15 buks.

  13. This alternative energy bullshit is as phony as the election.
    It’s just another scam to fleece the taxpayer (yet again) and, more importantly, make those in rural areas live in cities because of high transportation costs.
    The best thing about this technology is it can be used against the “master-planners” – your off-grid homestead.

  14. Anonymous,

    If you will think back to approximately a year ago, Michael Moore (‘Mr Green Himself’), gave up on his documentary because he realized you NEED fossil fuels to make GREEN energy. Losers…all of them.


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