Hospital Nurse ‘No Longer Employee’ After Tweeting Against ‘Evil’ White People – IOTW Report

Hospital Nurse ‘No Longer Employee’ After Tweeting Against ‘Evil’ White People

Daily Caller: An Indiana hospital no longer employs a nurse at the center of outrage over a tweet calling for white women to sacrifice their sons, the hospital announced Sunday.


The nurse in question, Taiyesha Baker, is “no longer” an employee at Indiana University Health after a tweet of hers blaming white women for the evil in the world surfaced this week, according to a statement from a hospital spokesperson.

“A recently hired IU Health employee tied to troubling posts on social media this weekend is no longer an employee of IU Health,” a hospital spokesperson said in a statement.

Baker was recently at the center of an investigation after declaring that white women are raising potential rapists and murderers.


“Every white woman raises a detriment to society when they raise a son. Someone with the HIGHEST propensity to be a terrorist, rapist, racist, killer, and domestic violence all star. Historically every son you had should be sacrificed to the wolves Bitch,” Baker allegedly posted over Twitter while she was an employee at the hospital. read more

20 Comments on Hospital Nurse ‘No Longer Employee’ After Tweeting Against ‘Evil’ White People

  1. She doesn’t read the FBI crime stats breakdown by race, either. Ignorant, hateful bitch. Hey Tyqueeshia, I hear they are killing off whites in South Africa. Sounds like your dream land. Go there.

  2. Yeah, because the crime stats reflect that the black moms who raise Black sons do such a great job of keeping their sons from being rapists, racists, killers and domestic abusers, right? I wonder what the crime rate would be if you factored out all the BLACK perpetrators?

  3. The takeaway here should be that she felt so comfortable expressing those views publicly.

    If anyone has ever read any mainstream black website like The Root or mainstreamed radicals like LaTenisha Coates, that being a black racist is the quickest path to being offered untold riches and prestige.

    Why, Miss Coates had to tried to quick flip her $2M Brooklyn brownstone because she alleged that black folk with donkey teeth can’t be safe moving into a white liberal neighborhood, in a liberal state.

    I’m surprised Taiyesha hasn’t been offered a column with the New York Times yet.

  4. @Cliche: The only column she’s going to get is the one she’s going to be leaning on day after day hooking. Nursing for her is over, time to hit the streets and Planned Parenthood.

  5. All of this is done out of Envy, as Black Men rarely Marry them or even Help with the Kid’s.Black Women also tend to have Multiple Kid’s with Different Black Male Donors.
    White Men are Raised to settle with one Woman and help Raise the Kid’s, this must Piss Her Off…” These White Women getLove and Help, Bitches! “

  6. Gee, that sounds (reads) familiar.
    Where have I read that a certain segment of the population are responsible for all the ills of society?
    Hmmm … Mein Kampf? The Communist Manifesto? Das Kapital? The Little Red Book? The Little Green Book? The Green Book? The Koran? Can’t remember …

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. @Plantsman November 27, 2017 at 2:01 am

    > Black Women also tend to have Multiple Kid’s with Different Black Male Donors.

    That is SOOOOOOOO racist! Plenty of WHITE women have multiple kids with different black donors, as well.

  8. Golden: she’ll always be one sensitivity course away from getting to pull the plug on white man on a respirator.

    Like those two from last week who were laughing as they killed that veteran.

    What was the old Miles Davis quote? If he had one hour to live, he’d like to spend it choking a white man nice and slow.

    Her views have been mainstream for quite a while.

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