‘Hostage’ Crisis Reported in Afghanistan: Taliban Blocking Americans’ Safe Passage to Blackmail Biden – IOTW Report

‘Hostage’ Crisis Reported in Afghanistan: Taliban Blocking Americans’ Safe Passage to Blackmail Biden

Becker News– President Biden’s abrupt U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan has led to a dangerous new situation: A hostage crisis.

“CBS has learned multiple flights are being held on the ground at the Mazar-i-Sharif airport in Northern Afghanistan… by the Taliban,” Eena Ruffini reported. “An email from the State Department to members of congress — and viewed by CBS — acknowledged that charter flights are still on the ground at the Mazar-i-Sharif airstrip and have permission to land in Doha ‘if and when the Taliban agrees to takeoff’.’

“The Taliban is basically holding them hostage to get more out of the Americans,” a senior congressional source told CBS News. “The group Ascend, an NGO that teaches young women leadership through athletics, told CBS News they have two planes that have been waiting for six days ready to take between 600 and 1200 people — including 19 American citizens and two permanent residents. “The U.S. airfield in Qatar that has been standing by, ready to receive, is now beginning to pack up,” Marina LeGree, the executive director, told CBS News.

“We hope visibility will add pressure to force a solution. Six days of talks are not encouraging.” more

16 Comments on ‘Hostage’ Crisis Reported in Afghanistan: Taliban Blocking Americans’ Safe Passage to Blackmail Biden

  1. The US Government has crashed and burned. Every hour or two another screw up deluxe. Be sure to thank the democrats for rigging our voting system so we ended up with BS.

  2. How much per head? How do we know if they are “real” Americans? Will Biden get a kick back? How will we know if this is not a just another scam via the democrats ?

  3. The thing is, this has been going on for a couple days, and today the MSM could no longer keep it quiet do to the Sunday talk shows. We need to eliminate the MSM. By any means necessary. They are not Americans.

  4. Joe’s still on Vacation. He’s got priorities.
    His team is writing his next teleprompter message with small words.
    Joe proves again he could give a $h-t. He’s the one who abandoned REAL American citizens. Does he actually remember?

    “Come on man, that was over 5 days and 20 lies ago.”
    Elect an incompetent leader and you get chaos and lies.

  5. The Taliban and friends have stated they expect Sharia to be imposed not only in the Emirate of Afghanistan but throughout the world. Yes, they will use hostages to get their way and they will not hesitate to torture and grotesquely murder some or all of their hostages to prove their resolve. Things are going to get very ugly. There is no “nice” way out of this. If the Pakistanis are involved with this, and Ghani told Biden they were, money is not going to pay the ransom. It’s quite likely the Pakistanis had more to do with 9/11 than Iraq or Iran. After all, they hosted Osama bin Laden in relative luxury for several years. (The conspiracy theorist in me must also point out that Pakistan and China have been close allies for decades.)

    This was not a result of naivete or stupidity — at least not by the principal decision-makers. It was coldly calculated with fully anticipated results. This was Obama’s handlers’ game plan, but brave and honorable men ruined their plan in Benghazi. The same cold-blooded, traitorous players are back and this is Benghazi times a few hundred Americans and several billion in weapons. The brave and honorable have been purged or neutered in the interim.

  6. The government offices around Tiananmen Square must resemble that Laughing Ray Liotta meme. Sure, it will turn to shit for the Chicoms, too, but right now…enjoy your moment, Xi Jin Ping.

  7. I’m not saying Biden isn’t responsible, because of course him and puppet masters are, but we wouldn’t be here for them to do this to us if it wasn’t for the criminal who failed to get Osama Bin Laden, George W Bush.
    You ask anyone on the ground in the beginning of this war where they knew Osama Bin Laden was and they will tell you Pakistan. Washington ordered they couldn’t go get him and that it was from the White House they were not to go into Pakistan.
    We shouldn’t have been in Iraq, we should have taken out Osama Bin Laden and we should have shown Pakistan and the Saudis played the greatest part in attacking us. If we thought we had to go into Afghanistan we should have turned the shit to glass and been done with it.
    We have bigger problems now than we did 20 years ago. Look at all the damn Muslims we’ve allowed in this country since then. Look at all the damn Afghans we have here now due to this shit. These people are animals and even the better ones are still not a fit for our country.

    People better hope they have guns and a lot of them because you’re going to need them against these bastards right here on our soil.

    I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t see saving this country, between the Muslim pieces of shit flooding our country, all of the illegals flooding our country to China controlling way more than anyone wants to admit in this country, to their death jab.

    I also don’t trust this piece of shit that went on Wallace’s show either, he’s a sorry piece of shit that is part of the establishment.

  8. “ready to take between 600 and 1200 people — including 19 American citizens and two permanent residents.”

    Are you fucking kidding me?

    19 Americans and 1200 goat fucking genital mutilating honor killing others?

    What the fuck are we doing?

    The entire middle east should have been a glass parking lot after 9/11.

    Now our government is trying to import these terrorists.

    We’re fucked.


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