‘Hostile Environment’ Of White Men Causes White Female Student Rep To Resign – IOTW Report

‘Hostile Environment’ Of White Men Causes White Female Student Rep To Resign


[…] “During last week’s meeting, many student representatives countered my argument that ‘the vast majority of members are white, straight, cis, upper-class men,’ by stating that 11 out of the 30 members are white men,” said Barnes. “While my assumption that these white men are also straight, cis, and upper class may be wrong, many people on campus perceive that Student Assembly is controlled by white males.”

“This is because the majority of the conversation in Student Assembly meetings is dominated by those 11 people.”

Barnes claims that other white students have rejected her after finding out that she was poor. She also alleges that the Hamilton Student Assembly has diversity when compared with the proportion of students on campus, but insists that this diversity only exists on the surface.

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13 Comments on ‘Hostile Environment’ Of White Men Causes White Female Student Rep To Resign

  1. Damn, Graceia, sorry. I swear your post wasn’t there when I went to typing.

    I open tabs on stories I want to read and it takes a while to get to them sometimes.

    I bow to you.

  2. I have to question the value of a college education when a student thinks 11 out of 30 is “the vast majority.” It’s just over a third, an a clear minority!

    Oh…wait…I forgot that people with white skin can’t be in the minority, even when they’re outnumbered. I honestly think my IQ slipped a couple of points just reading this horseshit!

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