“Hot Dog Lips” Joins NBC – IOTW Report

“Hot Dog Lips” Joins NBC

21 Comments on “Hot Dog Lips” Joins NBC

  1. Further more, lol, her resume. She worked at a medical office in some capacity.The she ran uncle Milt’s campaign. And then the RNC gig. Does that really sound like someone that has any expertise in telling viewers what and how they should think?

  2. The sole purpose of the “Chair” is to win elections, she has failed miserably in this endeavor. An ancillary duty is to fund raise, present a positive message that will attract interest, and to judiciously decide which candidates have the best chances of success. she gets an “F” is all three of these as well.

    But, grifters gotta grift, and the best way to do that is to go where the money is. You didn’t really think The Daily Wire, Valuetainment, or Tucker was going to hire this broken down hag?

    And speaking of the Daily Wire, they just booted Candace Owens.

  3. “The way the House just voted the joke is on us.”

    I’ll say, the $1.2 trillion, added to the $459 billion earlier this month ($1.659 trillion in total), I’d prefer they just give the Chinese our launch codes, a quicker cleaner death for everyone.

  4. all part of the money laundering scheme to pay off your rival like that bastard republican who quit today. the hilarious part is that they use your tax money to buy the rope

  5. Some one has to be hired from the Republicans to take cheap shots at President Trump and the Conservative Caucus. Ronna and Mitt fit the bill. Maybe they could interview Republican in Name Only Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Dick Shelby, Dick Burr, Rob Portman, etc (RINO Senators). The cheapshot team.

  6. She really is a piece of shit. A Manchurian candidate all along. As if most of us here didn’t know. Trump and Vivik are heroes for getting rid of this dumb whore.


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