Hot Mess, Oregon – IOTW Report

Hot Mess, Oregon

Oregon Catalyst:

National news outlet The National Review published a story calling Portland a ghost town without the zombies (unless you count the homeless population, which after the local government stopped enforcing vagrancy laws, exploded from about six large encampments to over 100).

The article interviewed one business owner who resorted to sleeping in his downtown Portland store with a shotgun to protect his property from lawless vandals that continue to terrorize the city. This business owner could not even get insurance coverage due to the continuous damage and eventually left Portland. more here

15 Comments on Hot Mess, Oregon

  1. The Dems are just claiming these areas for there future Utopian communities. Real estate will be so high priced the the peasants can’t afford to live there. Most likely a 20 ft fence will be erected with armed private security.
    I’m sure anybody that can afford to have moved, now the pesky sheep have to go.

  2. “…one business owner who resorted to sleeping in his downtown Portland store with a shotgun to protect his property from lawless vandals that continue to terrorize the city.”

    …it’s a good thing he didn’t GET one, because they would have said terrible things about him at his trial, blasted on the media that you can’t use force to protect property, put him in jail for life, and awarded his store, his house, and probably his wife to the scuzzball who broke in, or anyone claiming to be said scuzzball’s family…

  3. Cmn¢¢guy DECEMBER 29, 2021 AT 2:57 PM
    “The Dems are just claiming these areas for there future Utopian communities. Real estate will be so high priced the the peasants can’t afford to live there.”


    The “big city” down the road from me had a poverty and crime incubation complex, a.k.a. “Project”, in one place for 50 years, then suddenly the property became desirable but it had a bad infestation of people.

    No worries, they just gave them bus passes and Section 8 vouchers, sent them up the road to ruin MY formerly quiet and well-kept neighborhood, bulldozed the projects, and put in “Market Rate Housing” with rates high enough to keep the peasants well away so the elite could enjoy a walking neighborhood with theatres and concerts and such while I got to enjoy Brawl And Gunfight in 9mm Minor playing weekly down from my house with encores involving the destruction of my cars and murderers running past my house until I had enough of left.

    They probably WILL gentrify it, actually easier there since you have WAY less Black people than we do.

    But even that won’t really matter, since Democrats are never held to the standards they set for everyone else, and the media simply does not report it, seen THAT too but that’s a different subject for another day…

  4. Progs think their shit is cute, smart and funny… until it comes back to haunt them personally. I think their shit is hilarious only when it comes back to affecting them. I don’t feel a damn bit concerned for any effects it has on them personally, only indifference. All of my compassion is reserved for innocent people who they have impacted with their malicious, malevolence and callous indifference.

  5. @JDHasty December 29, 2021 at 3:46 pm

    > All of my compassion is reserved for innocent people who they have impacted with their malicious, malevolence and callous indifference.

    Glad the Christmas season is over. As I have no compassion for compassionate Christians. All of my compassion is reserved for people slain while trying to exterminate those that call them enemy.

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