‘Hottest year ever’ temperature claims based on ‘extensive adjustments by computer algorithms’ – IOTW Report

‘Hottest year ever’ temperature claims based on ‘extensive adjustments by computer algorithms’

Climate Depot:
It’s been almost two years (February 20, 2022) since I added a post to this series. The reason is that global surface temperatures, as measured by NOAA and NASA, had decreased somewhat from 2020 highs, bringing about a hiatus in the otherwise endless drumbeat of propaganda from those agencies claiming “hottest month ever” or “hottest year ever.”

But then a strong El Niño early last year induced a small temperature increase several months later, picked up by the NOAA/NASA thermometer network. Result: From NOAA, October 16, 2023 (“Globally, September 2023 was the warmest September in the 174-year NOAA record. The year-to-date (January–September) global surface temperature ranked as the warmest such period on record.”)NOAA, November 15 (“The planet added another record-breaking month to 2023, with October ranking as the warmest October in the 174-year global climate record.”); Axios, December 14 (“With November ranking as the warmest such month on record, NOAA is projecting greater than 99.5% odds that this year will be the world’s warmest since instrument records began in the 19th century.”). Expect the official announcement that 2023 was the “hottest year ever” to come out some time around the middle of this month. more here

8 Comments on ‘Hottest year ever’ temperature claims based on ‘extensive adjustments by computer algorithms’

  1. Global warming is a farce because the so called greenhouse effect is a farce. If you put a fish tank over the hot asphalt, the air warms up inside the fish tank, makes sense, right? Remove the fish tank and the air ventilates and becomes the same temperature as the rest of the air.

    Well, here’s the shocker. There’s no “fish tank” covering the earth to create a greenhouse. We have an atmosphere above the earth that ventilates all air just like if you remove the fish tank from a spot on the asphalt.

    But but but CO2 creates a greenhouse. Tell me how .04% of molecules in the atmosphere band together seamlessly to create a greenhouse. If you could do that, you should be able to invent some really interesting shit. You can’t, so you don’t invent anything interesting.

    No dummy, it’s the increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere that make it hotter. REALLY? If we take the fish tank example above and fill it with nothing but CO2 and slam it on the hot asphalt it would be hotter then without it filled with CO2, right? It’s not! CO2 DOESN’T EMIT HEAT.


  2. GW is pushed by the WEF and their supplicants – politicians and government flunkies in almost every country.

    Their objective is total control, as exemplified by the word Totalitarianism.


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