House Accepts $15 billion roll back – IOTW Report

House Accepts $15 billion roll back

DC: House lawmakers agreed late Thursday evening to a deal that would claw back $15 billion in previously appropriated spending.

The House voted 210-206 along party lines to roll back the funds from the massive $1.3 trillion March spending bill that President Donald Trump signed into law earlier this year.

The president asked lawmakers to rescind that amount last month, targeting a federal loan program intended to give a boon to fuel-efficient, green energy automobiles and expired disaster relief funds. In total, the White House asked Congress to roll back less than four-tenths of a percent from what the federal government will spend this year.

Trump urged members Tuesday to consider the recision proposal, arguing it is what was needed to “get our government back on track.”

“I will never sign another bill like this again. I’m not going to do it again. Nobody read it. It’s only hours old. Some people don’t even know what is in it. $1.3 trillion dollars–it is the second largest ever,” the president said in late March when he signed the Republicans’ spending bill.

House leadership is applauding the president’s proposal, calling the move a nod to fiscal conservatism and protecting the American taxpayer.

“The President’s rescissions request is a straightforward approach to begin cleaning up a bloated federal budget and respecting hardworking taxpayer dollars,” House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said in a statement.  more here

9 Comments on House Accepts $15 billion roll back

  1. Four tenths of one percent doesn’t even come close to cutting the waste, corruption and fraud, let alone the useless member special interest projects.

    Isn’t 4/10 of a percent The same as 4 one thousandths?
    I guess 4/10 of a percent seems bigger to government and is an attempt to hoodwink taxpayers. Smoke and mirrors and creative writing.

  2. To paraphrase the late Sen. Dirkson: A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon you’re talking about some serious money.

    It ain’t a lot, but it’s a step in the right direction.

  3. Granted this is a step in the right direction, but it’s barely a baby step. This is more of a “give the prez something and maybe he’ll go away” vote. Congress is going to have to take a chainsaw to the budget to satisfy me.

    I wrote Cornyn about my disgust on his vote passing the Omnibus bill and received a form response that had more weasel words in it than a Philly lawyer could come up with in a decade. My support for Cornyn ceased at that time. I ain’t through being pissed yet.

  4. Sorry but this is a rounding error, not anything serious.

    We will have a day of reckoning, Trump or no Trump economy – Social Security just dipped into their fund to cover the program. Both Medicare and SS are going to be depleted within 16 years. This story should be front and center and a wake up call to start making some real changes. You cannot fund disability the way we have from SS anymore. And what will eventually happen, the day is going to come where they have to cut people’s benefits drastically and if the Dems are running the show they’ll take the cap off SS and Medicare and effectively have the biggest payroll tax increase to date which will in turn shut the economy down and snowball this mess.

    The Republicans said they wanted to tackle reform. Here is the starting point.

  5. I like it, but it is just “budget dust” and not nearly enough.

    Let’s start with shutting down whole agencies like the EPA and DOE.
    Others should be given the same budget ceiling they had in say 1999.
    Tell the State Department they will get no more bribery money to try to make enemy nations like us. They are either our friends or not.

    How about telling Planned Parenthood to go pound sand? Defund PBS and NPR for being leftist propaganda houses. If their product is so good they can make it in the marketplace.

  6. With all the newly employed, Medicare and SS will get flush again, by the end of the year.
    They’ve been saying it’ll be broke any day now since I was a kid.

  7. Itsy bitsy for sure. However, I learned from my parents when I first started working and making my own money – if you take care of your nickels, dimes, and quarter the dollars will take care of them selves. If they keep rolling back nickels, dimes, and quarters they might actually start saving real money. Which is what I learned from my father-in-law, it aint how much you make it’s how much you keep.


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