House Appropriations Chair Admits Democrats Have ‘No Consensus’ on How to Secure Border – IOTW Report

House Appropriations Chair Admits Democrats Have ‘No Consensus’ on How to Secure Border

WFB: Rep. Nita Lowey (D., N.Y.) on Thursday admitted Democrats have “no consensus” on how to secure the U.S.-Mexico border.

Lowey, the chairwoman of the House Appropriations Committee, appeared on MSNBC to discuss the government shutdown and highlight Democrats’ push to fund the rest of the government before negotiating border security funding.

“There’s a new offer that will be coming from the Democrats [that includes] potentially up to $5.7 billion or more for border security, including funding for a smart wall. Can you tell us exactly what a smart wall is?” Host Katy Tur asked.

Lowey said the proposal that Tur mentioned was “interesting” but said there was “no consensus” currently. She added, “When the government is open, we will work together, hopefully in a bipartisan way. And I want you to know as an appropriator, I always work across the aisle. And then we’ll come up with a plan that makes sense.” read more

16 Comments on House Appropriations Chair Admits Democrats Have ‘No Consensus’ on How to Secure Border

  1. Burner
    Imagine all the pork they will stick into ANY bill that includes funding for a wall. Trump will have to sign it to avoid getting any more bad press.
    Honestly, it would be better if they continue the standoff and he declares an emergency.

  2. Trump campaigned on NO money for Planned Parenthood and a Wall. In December of 2017 he caved and signed the budget that funded PP and no wall money (With Republican control mind you). Im seeing a pattern. And yeah sure he was the best negotiator there ever was in his civilian life. But then he was dealing with human beings, politicians are not human they are wretched control freak weasels. Im afraid we have no chance on getting a wall that we desperately need.

  3. FarmWife, from what I understand (I don’t watch TV, so I might be wrong), President Trump had to sign that first bill mostly to have money to repair the military, that Obama left in shambles.

  4. Val- yes, and he didn’t have to use the money for whatever they asked for. It was at his discretion. That’s why the military got a shit ton of cash and he didn’t use some of the other money at all. Which is why the left got their panties in a wad.

  5. Here’s a snippet you’ll enjoy, Val.

    ” Procedure for new emergencies and rescinding emergency declarations:

    The Act authorized the President to activate emergency provisions of law via an emergency declaration on the conditions that the President specifies the provisions so activated and notifies Congress.

    An activation would expire if the President expressly terminated the emergency, or did not renew the emergency annually, or if each house of Congress passed a resolution terminating the emergency. After presidents objected to this “Congressional termination” provision on separation of powers grounds, it was replaced in 1985 with termination by an enacted joint resolution. This means that for Congress to rescind a declared emergency, not only must they pass the joint resolution, but the President must sign the legislation.

    The Act also requires the President and executive agencies to maintain records of all orders and regulations that proceed from use of emergency authority, and to regularly report the cost incurred to Congress. “


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