House Approves Senate GOP’s Budget, Bringing Tax Cuts One Step Closer – IOTW Report

House Approves Senate GOP’s Budget, Bringing Tax Cuts One Step Closer


The House of Representatives approved the Senate GOP’s budget on Thursday, completing the next step on the GOP’s long road to tax cuts.

The budget passed by a narrow margin of 216-212, with 20 Republicans opposing the bill for various reasons. Some Republicans from blue states are opposed to the idea of eliminating or cutting back on the state and local tax (SALT) deduction.

The Senate passed the budget resolution 51 to 49 last week.

President Trump tweeted, simply, “Big news.”

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7 Comments on House Approves Senate GOP’s Budget, Bringing Tax Cuts One Step Closer

  1. So what’s in the budget?

    Are we still funding pork projects (member initiatives), planned parenthood, NPR, community organizers, Obama’s multi-million office and staffing, waste, fraud and corruption? Are we increasing the debt? Reducing the size of government? Funding duplicate services from different agencies? Reducing useless boards and commissions?
    Reducing our funding of the UN? Reducing grants to foreign government dictators? Are Representatives, Senators and Government employees still receiving health insurance exemptions?
    Those are but a few questions.

    But all the news is that we “Might” get a tax reprieve while the government continues the wasteful & corrupt spending spree.

  2. With a little luck I’ll get enough of “my” money back from the federal to pay the increases in Property taxes, sales taxes, licenses, user fees, medical care, medicine, inflated cost of maintaining (not buying) my vehicle and maybe even the increased cost of food and necessities.

    Do I sound ungrateful to have a little more access to the money I earn when the federal government puts “my” money back in my right pocket while the state, regional, county and city governments take it out of my left pocket.

    Yes, I suppose I do.

  3. Most politicians do not understand tax cuts pay for themselves.
    look at the. When Reagan was governor of California, or when he was a president of the US from 82 on.Tax reductions brought in Billions of extra dollars for the treasury.
    the less controlled Congress and spent it all, what morons!

  4. If you think tax attorneys and CPAs are going to allow significant simplification of the Code, you’re delusional. If anything, the IRS is going to be more oppressive and threatening than ever before, even after creepy Koskinen is out.

    Trust me… watch. 👿

  5. the devil is in the details … has anyone actually seen, let alone heard about anything in this?

    … sorry, I don’t fall blindly in w/ this …. even w/ Trump on board (supposedly)

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