House Comm. subpoenas DHS Secretary Mayorkas, others who gave Hunter Biden “tip-off” of IRS probe – IOTW Report

House Comm. subpoenas DHS Secretary Mayorkas, others who gave Hunter Biden “tip-off” of IRS probe

JTN: House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer on Tuesday issued subpoenas to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, as well as several Secret Service and DHS staffers, seeking information related to the Secret Service’s alleged tip-off to Biden staffers about a planned 2020 interview with the now-first son as part of a tax inquiry.

The subpoenas come after two whistleblowers — both highly regarded IRS agents — came forward in mid-June of this year, testifying that the DOJ ran interference to block an IRS investigation into Hunter Biden’s activities. That investigation saw the IRS examining whether Hunter Biden paid adequate taxes on millions of dollars of his income, including money he made from multiple overseas business ventures, ABC News reported. In addition, ABC also reported that Biden “borrowed $2 million from his lawyer and confidant Kevin Morris to pay the IRS for back taxes, penalties and liens that he owed.” more

12 Comments on House Comm. subpoenas DHS Secretary Mayorkas, others who gave Hunter Biden “tip-off” of IRS probe

  1. Dr. Hambone AT 12:52 AM

    It would be so satisfying to see Mayorkas hang by his neck until dead, after a fair trial for treason.


    It’s a start on a long list of treasonous bastids in DC and several states.

  2. Ahh Yazzz, an Investigationnn,,, I seem to remember a time when I was encouraged by hearing that They were going to have a look at obvious bad behavior. They even got me going with Gowdy. Twice. Listening to that jakkass lay out all the reasons that the investigation was going to yield real action was encouraging.Then it just faded away. Who is the new Sheriff who will dig out the rot? Yeah, I’m done. Until I see them perp walked, unconstitutional laws overturned, the insanity of America shipping Billyuns overseas stopped and America taking care of America first, I’m just gonna sit back and watch. Good grief, we’ve got people who can’t take care of Themselves in leadership positions. I can’t imagine how hard the rest of the world is laughing at us.

  3. Congressional “Investigations” have been theater since Congress was formed.

    Political posturing, blathering bullshit, and then both sides of the “aisle” off to the bar and to the House Gym for a swim in the heated pool and a massage, laughing their asses off at the rubes who pay the bills.

    When we’ve had enough, we will have had enough – until then we will continue to eat shit and declare that it tastes like chocolate.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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