House Committees Release James Comey Transcript – IOTW Report

House Committees Release James Comey Transcript


DC: The chairmen of the House Judiciary and House Oversight and Government Reform Committees released a transcript of an interview conducted Friday with former FBI Director James Comey.

Comey appeared in response to a subpoena for his testimony. The former FBI chief initially sought a public hearing before the committees, which are investigating the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email and Trump-Russia investigations. But after a brief legal battle, Comey agreed to appear behind closed doors for an interview, on the condition that a transcript of the proceedings be released within 24 hours.

According to Virginia Rep. Bob Goodlatte and South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, the chairmen of the Judiciary and Oversight Committees, respectively, Comey will continue his interview on Dec. 17.

Comey largely avoided discussing the Russia probe, citing the ongoing investigation and classified information.

In an exchange with Gowdy, Comey quibbled with the idea that the FBI’s investigation, dubbed Crossfire Hurricane, initially focused on the Trump campaign.

“We opened investigations on four Americans to see if there was any connection between those four Americans and the Russian interference effort. And those four Americans did not include the candidate,” Comey said.  more

2 Comments on House Committees Release James Comey Transcript

  1. I’m curious what it is going to take before Trump makes public the FISA documents. Are we getting close? I believe there is plenty happening that we all don’t get informed of, but I’m past ready to see the SHTF!

  2. The lying POS contradicted his original testimony on Flynn. If I remember correctly he’s the guy that accused Flynn of lying. These ass hats can’t keep track of their own lies. The swamp needs to be dealt with. Harshly.


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