House Covid committee demands CIA answer to allegations they bribed agents to dispel Wuhan ‘lab leak’ theory – IOTW Report

House Covid committee demands CIA answer to allegations they bribed agents to dispel Wuhan ‘lab leak’ theory

PM: The chairman of the House Covid Subcommittee announced on Wednesday that he is going after the CIA following a “highly credible” whistleblower’s allegations that the government spy agency handed bribes to its agents so they would claim that Covid did not originate from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.

Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) told Fox News that the committee will request Andrew Makridis, the former CIA chief operating officer, to sit down for a voluntary transcribed interview and subpoena that agency for all internal documents and communications related to the Covid pandemic.

“It is alleged that this was the person [Makridis] who was a key figure in putting this together. This alleged change of mind, if you will. And so that’s somebody that we want to bring in,” Wenstrup said. “We’re also seeking documents and all the communications that took place amongst this team and outside of this team.” more here

6 Comments on House Covid committee demands CIA answer to allegations they bribed agents to dispel Wuhan ‘lab leak’ theory

  1. Answer:

    It was part of the plan to create controversy & DISTRACT within the voting ranks while they were helping to STEAL the election from TRUMP.

  2. “Dear House Covid Committee,
    Naaaaaah … we didn’t do it.

    Sincerely, the CIA”

    seriously, does anyone think another taxpayer-funded ‘investigation’ & hearing is going to do …. ANYTHING?

    hell, they won’t even impeach the most corrupt man that ever became pResident.
    why? … we all know the answer …. they are ALL just as corrupt.

  3. Ginned-up fake distracting controversy.

    That the thing isn’t a natural phenomenon was settled years ago. And it didn’t escape, leak, sneak, walk, run, float or fly all on its own out of the lab.

    October 19-27, 2019, Military World Games in Wuhan. Tens of thousands of participants and companions from around the world. Before they arrived in the city, “health inspectors” went from hotel to hotel checking the accomodations.



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