House defeats attempt to dismantle Benghazi committee – IOTW Report

House defeats attempt to dismantle Benghazi committee


WT: The House beat back an attempt Wednesday to dismantle the committee probing the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attacks as Republicans rallied around the controversial probe just two weeks before former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is slated to testify before it.

Democrats have accused the Select Committee on Benghazi of being little more than a political attack machine designed to derail Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign, and have seized on comments by House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy as evidence.

Rep. Louise Slaughter, New York Democrat, proposed disbanding the panel, but Republicans ruled that out of order and then voted along party lines, 240-183, to shoot down an appeal. more here


7 Comments on House defeats attempt to dismantle Benghazi committee

  1. Louise Slaughter… hmmm, let’s see… remember her “deeming” Obamacare passed as law. Louise, there should be tar and feathers waiting for you outside every exit of the capitol bldg. Leave Congress now, you old flea bitten hag, of course with all due respect.

    Hillary… what a royal coronation awaits you. Maybe Elijah Cummings, Hank Johnson, or Paul Ryan will put in a good word for you. If you stay in your jail cell too long in one place, it may tip over on you. Ha!

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