House Delays Vote For FISA Reform On Warrantless Surveillance Powers – IOTW Report

House Delays Vote For FISA Reform On Warrantless Surveillance Powers

100% FedUp: The House of Representatives have delayed a vote on reforming the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and Section 702.

“In order to allow Congress more time to reach consensus on how best to reform FISA and Section 702 while maintaining the integrity of our critical national security programs, the House will consider the reform and reauthorization bill at a later date,” Raj Shah, a spokesman for House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) stated on X. more

6 Comments on House Delays Vote For FISA Reform On Warrantless Surveillance Powers

  1. Another delay in the House’s failure to gut the FISA court.
    The House will do little in reform while allowing the FISA to ignore Constitutional Protection of US Citizens.

    If the were concerned about National Security they would have stopped illegal immigration of thugs, murderers, rapist and known terrorists through our Southern Border. Another HUGE failure of the HOUSE !

  2. I understand the original purpose of FISA, and accept some of it. However, based on the evidence and usage in the last 20+ years, why wouldn’t you consider reforming it? Oh, wail, gubmint. Regardless of the party

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