House Democratic sponsorship of ‘Medicare for All’ has fallen – IOTW Report

House Democratic sponsorship of ‘Medicare for All’ has fallen

WaEx: Twenty-six House Democrats who signed on to a previous version of the Medicare for All Act have dropped off from the latest bill released Wednesday, as leaders are steering members to focus on shoring up Obamacare instead.

Democrats picked up 40 House seats in November, but the number of lawmakers backing the Medicare for All Act so far has fallen to 107. That is fewer than the 124 co-sponsors the Medicare for All Act finished with in the 115th Congress.

Three who have fallen off are high-ranking: Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., the House Majority Whip; Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Calif., chairwoman of the Energy and Commerce’s Health Subcommittee; and Rep. John Yarmuth, D-Ky., chairman of the House Budget Committee.  more here

12 Comments on House Democratic sponsorship of ‘Medicare for All’ has fallen

  1. “Twenty-six House Democrats who signed on to a previous version of the Medicare for All Act have dropped off …
    … but the number of lawmakers backing the Medicare for All Act so far has fallen to 107. That is fewer than the 124 co-sponsors the Medicare for All Act finished with…”

    124-107=17 not 26, as reported, both here and at the link.
    are they using common core for this too?
    I do realize the newspaper is just selling concepts and mindsets.
    I’d really rather these folks not determine my level of health care, or who provides it.

  2. Why complicate any of this? No legislation is necessary: People can just “self-identify” as 65 years old and qualify for Medicare if they want it.

    Problem solved.

  3. Those dropouts better watch their backs. Cortez has your name on a list. You don’t want to be on her list. She might primary you. Or she might give Antifa your home address. And then primary you.

  4. Ted Nougat, but what about all of us who are really 65 and above? I’m turning 66 on Monday, I self identify as 39 + 27 of course. I may be almost 66 but I don’t feel like it for the most part, I really feel younger than what the calendar says. But I am becoming an old fart and set in my ways and like things more the way they used to be.

  5. Geoff – happy birthday. I’ve heard 66 is the new 70. Or something. I’m 54 this month, on the 24th.

    To answer your question: I don’t know. In the words of Steve Perry, don’t stop believin. And my name is not really Ted, I’m also Jeff (the second F is silent).

  6. I ran into a kid over in Montana last year who was working at a fast food restaurant, his name was Jeph, in my almost 66 years I had never seen Jeff spelled that way before. Geoff which is the English way of spelling Jeff which my wife preferred is why I am a Geoff instead of a just plain Jeff. But my middle name is Russell so I could’ve been a Russ or Rusty.


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