House Democrats accused of “political showmanship and threatening tactics” after they threatened to cut Department of the Interior salaries – IOTW Report

House Democrats accused of “political showmanship and threatening tactics” after they threatened to cut Department of the Interior salaries

Daily Caller: The Department of the Interior (DOI) accused House Democrats of “political showmanship and threatening tactics” after lawmakers threatened to cut department salaries, according to a letter obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

On May 7, Democrat Reps. Elijah Cummings of Maryland and Raul Grijalva of Arizona, the top Democrats on the House Committee on Oversight and Reform and the Committee on Natural Resources, respectively, threatened to withhold the pay of Interior employees that interfered with or refused Congressional requests to testify.

The threats came after four DOI staff members refused Democrats’ requests to testify on allegations that the department has not properly maintained or released Interior Secretary David Bernhardt‘s official schedule.

Cole Rojewski, director of the Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs at DOI, responded to Cummings and Grijalva’s threats in a letter dated May 10 and obtained by TheDCNF. Rojewski pointed out that the Interior employees in question may appear before the committee only if they want.

“The Department rejects allegations by [the House Oversight Committee] that we have refused to make these officials available for transcribed interviews,” Rojewski wrote. “These employees have been instructed by counsel that they are free to submit to such interviews if they so choose.”  more here

15 Comments on House Democrats accused of “political showmanship and threatening tactics” after they threatened to cut Department of the Interior salaries

  1. Sorry, but we’re BROKE. We cannot afford every damned government agency under the sun. Painful as it is, DOI has to take their share of painful cuts like everyone else. Do not start with the DOI, but eventually it has to happen. We simply cannot afford all of the services they provide.

  2. “… Elijah Cummings of Maryland and Raul Grijalva of Arizona, the top Democrats on the House Committee on Oversight and Reform and the Committee on Natural Resources, respectively, threatened to withhold the pay …”

    Isn’t there a word for that?
    “Extortion?” Maybe?
    “the practice of obtaining something … through force or threats.”
    “from Latin extorquere ‘wrest’”
    Didn’t that used to be a crime?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. It’s this crap that happens when Congress does not have a policing force with teeth. Empty threats just there to frighten worker bees who can’t afford lawyers and senile old farts like Cummings are put in charge of some thing more important then ensuring his adult diaper is changed when the cameras are off. These guys/gals can lie, cheat, steal, assault, rape, libel and do damn well whatever they please and they’ll get away with it because there is no group charged with insuring the decorum of this most honored of house is well kept.

  4. Well, that’s ONE way to get rid of an unnecessary department! Make ’em all quit and get real jobs! 😆

    Bet the democraps never thought about THAT… 😳


    Tried that.
    They won’t leave you alone. They will follow you and harass you and, ultimately, kill you.

    “You may not be interested in the Modern State; but the Modern State is CERTAINLY interested in YOU!”
    (Trotsky, emphasis added)

    izlamo delenda est …


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