House Democrats Refuse to Support Second Part of Manchin-Schumer Deal for Increased Energy Development and Permitting – IOTW Report

House Democrats Refuse to Support Second Part of Manchin-Schumer Deal for Increased Energy Development and Permitting


Looks like we are going to find out exactly what Joe Manchin’s leverage was over Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer {REMINDER HERE}.

On July 31, According to Manchin the deal between himself, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden includes his support for the current green energy spending, in exchange for two new items in future legislation: 1) Streamlined energy permitting/regulation; and 2) Increased development of Oil, Coal, Gas.  Both of these pieces of legislation have to be handled in a separate Senate bill.

According to Manchin, his agreement to the current spending bill was contingent upon a promise that: (A) Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer will generate a new bill for streamlined energy permitting and increased oil, gas and coal development; (B) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will take up the Senate bill and whip enough of her House Democrat membership to join with Republicans in support of that Senate bill; and (C) Joe Biden will sign that increased energy production bill.

Here’s the important part.  Senator Manchin claimed he has leverage over Biden, Pelosi and Schumer to ensure a new bill with those priorities is created and advanced.  Manchin further claimed there were “consequences” for Biden, Pelosi and Schumer if they were to renege on the deal.  He is quite emphatic about that point if you listen to the NBC interview. (LINK)

The only possible leverage Manchin could have of such significance would be a threat to switch parties if Biden, Pelosi and/or Schumer reneged on the deal.  That would immediately flip the Senate.  In the latest development, the House democrats are threatening not to support the increased energy production and streamlined permitting part. more here

20 Comments on House Democrats Refuse to Support Second Part of Manchin-Schumer Deal for Increased Energy Development and Permitting

  1. The way I read this is that Manchin is about to get the same treatment the dems always give to the Repubs. Agree to compromise then renege after dems part of the deal gets done(usually “to” us and not “for” us). Funny after all these years it still works.

  2. No pipeline for you. Dummy.
    cheryl I want him to switch it will stop most but not all of the dems plans from going through. We shall see.
    But he did sell out and this will cost his state a lot of money that would have come from us. And that is a good thing.

  3. He allowed further weaponization of the IRS for a ‘guarantee’ from the demwits in charge?

    He should have just switched parties, or whatever ‘trump’ card he had, before the vote.

    Idiot, but couldn’t be much worse than Mconnell.

  4. From the house dem point of view, why give in to Manchin’s demands? They’re going to lose the house and most likely the senate too. So let Manchin change parties after they’ve got what they’ve wanted out of him, it won’t change anything except the radical dems won’t have to compromise their triumph.

    It’s a I win-you lose scenario and Machin got played for the rube he is.

  5. calling ‘bullshit’ on this one …. Manchin knew exactly what was going to happen. this is just another typical same-ol’ same-ol’ Manchin play

    this is all kabuki theater for the rubes … ‘oh, poor Joe! he trusted them! boo hoo hoo for Joe’ …. NOT! … y’all got played

  6. A real win for the Donkeys…they get his vote on a critical piece of utter bullshit AND they let his constituency vote out a thorn in their side. Win/Win for the Asses.


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