House Dems Are Lining Up Behind What Could Be The Largest Expansion Of Government In Decades – IOTW Report

House Dems Are Lining Up Behind What Could Be The Largest Expansion Of Government In Decades

DC: Democrats are increasingly lining up to support a “Green New Deal,” which, while vague on details, could end up being the largest expansion of government in decades.

As it stands, the “Green New Deal” is more aspirational than actual policy. Indeed, it takes its name from the New Deal of the 1930s, and its main backer, incoming Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, compared it to the Great Society of the 1960s.

More than 40 Democratic lawmakers support the “Green New Deal” as part of a broad plan to fight global warming and bring about what they see as “economic, social and racial justice.” A poll found most Americans supported the deal, but knew little about it.

But the big question is when Americans find out what’s in the “Green New Deal,” will they be willing to pay for it?

Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal” calls for creating a House committee to draft legislation to fight global warming and turn the U.S. economy into something akin to what Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders envisions. Indeed, the “Green New Deal” could be a preview of what policies the Democratic Party will back in the 2020 elections.

“This is going to be the New Deal, the Great Society, the moon shot, the civil-rights movement of our generation,” Ocasio-Cortez said at a panel event in early December alongside Sanders, a likely 2020 presidential contender.

Those goals include moving the U.S. to 100 percent green energy, federal job guarantees for workings forced out of their fossil fuel jobs, guaranteed minimum income and universal health care.

Democrats will take control of the House in 2019 and many want to see global warming become a central part of their agenda. Republicans are unlikely to go along with a green deal in any form, and cracks are even appearing among Democrats on climate policy.

Since the “Green New Deal” lacks specifics, it’s hard to gauge the total cost, but similar climate and welfare policies are estimated to cost trillions of dollars.

For starters, moving the U.S. to a 100-percent renewable electric grid could cost as much as $5.2 trillion over two decades, according to a 2010 study by the conservative Heritage Foundation. That’s about $218 billion to move the grid away from coal and natural gas.  MORE HERE

13 Comments on House Dems Are Lining Up Behind What Could Be The Largest Expansion Of Government In Decades

  1. As immense as the cost estimates are, they are very low. Nobody seems to acknowledge, much less think about, opportunity costs. What would entrepreneurs and businesses and individuals do to create more wealth if the trillions of dollars for the Green New Steal weren’t stolen from them?

    About all you can calculate is the average return on investment for American businesses, but even that doesn’t take into account such discontinuities as breakthrough discoveries. What if Motorola were taxed so much they had to shut down their R&D labs before they came up with the transistor? It likely would have been created eventually, but how much time/money would have been lost?

    Opportunity costs. Never forget opportunity costs when looking at tax-supported govt crap boondoggles.

  2. …meanwhile, billions in India and billions in China pay absolutey NO attention to “green energy”, putting the United States at a HUGE competitive disadvantage, which probably is NOT an accident on the part of the Democrats…

  3. Whatever. Just pass it so we can see what’s in it. I’m sure it’ll be a tax if it needs to be, Judge Roberts. If you like your coal, you can keep your coal. Can’t wait to get my mandatory Bronze Plan on the Carbon Exchange.

    These f–king people never quit, do they?


    “Al Gore ‘profiting’ from climate change agenda
    Al Gore has been accused of profiting from the climate change agenda amid claims he is on course to become the world’s first “carbon billionaire”.

    …hmm, sounds familiar, somehow…

    (Shaman during eclipse)

    “‘Oh no, Night Wolf is eating the Moon Virgin. Give me silver and I will make him spit her out. ” ― P.J. O’Rourke, All the Trouble in the World

    …plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose…

  5. Uh, right. As a nation we’re already in debt to the tune of $23,000,000,000 and digging deeper by the hour. Folks, we’re hopelessly bankrupt. And this naive little kid really believes we can frickin’ SPEND OUR WAY OUT OF BANKRUPTCY? Must be a democrat.

  6. “Those goals include moving the U.S. to 100 percent green energy, federal job guarantees for workings forced out of their fossil fuel jobs, guaranteed minimum income and universal health care.”

    There ain’t enough money in the world to pay for this fantasy! The Dems will be taxing citizens of India, Australia, and Japan in an attempt to pay for this boondoggle.

  7. I’ll take them seriously when they lift all restrictions on nuclear energy and give subsidies to the construction of new nuclear power plants. Why overpay for non existent green tech when we’ve had it for generations?

  8. House Dems are gonna spend us into penury! House Dems are gonna force banks to stop processing ammo purchases by credit card! House Dems are gonna clickbait. Assuming any of this actually gets out of the House, is the Senate slavering to pass any of it? Maybe so, but at least some of the swamp dwellers are gone. Is POTUS going to sign any of it? Less likely. Bet on two years of gridlock with EOs and behind-the-scenes maneuvering. What headlines will Daily Caller run when House flips R and Senate flips D, plus Trumpslide in 2020?

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