House Dems Demand Taxpayer-Funded Abortions in Medicare for All – IOTW Report

House Dems Demand Taxpayer-Funded Abortions in Medicare for All

Pushed by Reps. Rosa DeLauro (D., Conn.) and Pramila Jayapal (D., Wash.) Two ugly women, Both inside and out.

33 Comments on House Dems Demand Taxpayer-Funded Abortions in Medicare for All

  1. My head gets cold in the winter and sunburns in the summer.

    Can I demand taxpayers pay for me to get a hair transplant?

    After all, there’s actually a valid medical reason for that.

  2. Abortion has been the greatest tool for suppressing the Democrat Party’s largest solid voting block for decades, so why not call it that? It’s really the “Freed Plantation Dwellers’ Voter Suppression Act.”

  3. I can see PP sending out reminders for abortion.

    It’s a new month, time for your abortion!

    woman/man: “But I haven’t had sex in months, there’s no way I can be pregnant.”

    PP: “We hose you out monthly just to ensure you aren’t pregnant. Accidental pregnancies happen all the time, a preventative abortion is the only way to guarantee you aren’t pregnant.”

    woman/man: “Hmmm. What’s this going to cost?”

    PP: “It’s FREE. You are entitled to 12 per year. After your 6th preventative abortion you qualify for 2 free Mets tickets.”

    woman/man: “I transitioned to woman recently, is that going to complicate things?”

    PP: “No, actually, it’s the same procedure, just a different hole.
    We don’t discriminate based on gender.”

  4. Re: DeLauro, Beauty may be only skin deep, but ugly runs through and through.

    “DeLauro is one of the most progressive members of the House. She is a founding member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.[19]

    DeLauro is interested in health policy issues, particularly women’s health.”—abortion is her “sacrament”.

  5. How can the people of Connecticut and Washington keep electing these two morons. Years ago the SCOTUS twisted itself into more loops then a yoga instructor on Meth to use the Right to Privacy in the constitution to confer on women the right to an abortion. From then on it was the individual State’s responsibility to work out how to enforce that right. These two hags want take rights away from the State and make an already far too powerful organization (the Federal Government) even more power over the taxpayers pocketbook and the citizens right to choose.

  6. Yeah, the gov’t should pick whose children should die.

    Didn’t some Socialist group in Germany do that about 80 years ago?

    Turned out badly, I believe I read somewhere.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. The Declaration of Independence guarantees life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Nothing is supposed to contradict that. The Supreme Court has to resolve this conflict.

  8. Capitalism would say that they need to raise their prices on dead baby parts.
    No subsidies.
    This applies to Farming, Ethanol, Solar power, Wind power, etc.
    If it can’t make it on it’s own after 20 years, quit throwing “OUR” money at it.


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