House Dems Forced to Scrap FISA Vote following Trump Veto Promise – IOTW Report

House Dems Forced to Scrap FISA Vote following Trump Veto Promise

NR: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D., Md.) said they were cancelling a vote on FISA renewal Thursday, after House Republicans and progressive Democrats signaled they would not support the reauthorization of expired domestic surveillance powers and President Trump said he would veto the bill if it passed.

In statements announcing the move, Pelosi and Hoyer both blamed the Republican minority.

“Clearly, because House Republicans have prioritized politics over our national security, we will no longer have a bipartisan veto-proof majority,” Pelosi said. She later accused Republicans of having “abandoned their commitment to security,” citing House Judiciary Committee ranking member Jim Jordan (R., Ohio), who was instrumental in establishing an initial deal on FISA renewal in March.

Hoyer pointed out that “two-thirds” of Republicans who voted for the original bill “have indicated they are going to vote against it now,” after President Trump tweeted definitively Wednesday night that he would “quickly VETO” the bill if it came to his desk. more

11 Comments on House Dems Forced to Scrap FISA Vote following Trump Veto Promise

  1. “Clearly, because House Republicans have prioritized politics over our national security, we will no longer have a bipartisan veto-proof majority,” Pelosi said.
    So sick of this lying, conniving, sub-human, lickspittle, crapweasel excuse for a life form.

  2. These House assholes are so concerned about security that they let a bunch of Pakis hack their computers all to hell and then let them off scot-free. Eff you and your security theater concerns, Pelosi.

  3. Not to mention the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, whose SECURITY chief James Wolfe leaked classified info to his whoreporter side-piece Ali Watkins, who is STILL EMPLOYED at the NYT. And Wolfe got nothing but a slap on the wrist for his treachery.

    Eff the whole damn Congress on this. They’ve squandered their authority.

  4. Wait a minute. The house dems were able to vote on the HEROES Act despite almost universal repub opposition, the senate saying it was dead on arrival and the President threatening a veto, but this bill is not getting voted on because they don’t have 2/3 of the Republicans on their side? What am I missing?

  5. RogerF, I think the smarter ones are taking this veto threat opportunity to wait and see how damaged FISA is after Barr and Co. get finished with it. If it goes south under investigation, nobody wants to be for it now before they have to be against it later.

  6. Thirdtwin,
    You give them much more credit for thinking ahead than I do, but you may be right. I am not a politician, I don’t play one on TV, and I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.


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