House GOP Drafts Articles Of Impeachment Against Mayorkas – IOTW Report

House GOP Drafts Articles Of Impeachment Against Mayorkas

The House Homeland Security Committee released draft articles of impeachment Sunday against Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

13 Comments on House GOP Drafts Articles Of Impeachment Against Mayorkas

  1. I’m not that enthused by the idea of impeaching/convicting Mayorkas, but I recognize it’s necessary before his trial and conviction for treason and subsequent hanging which is the primary goal.

  2. Diogenes Sarcastica
    MONDAY, 29 JANUARY 2024, 8:32 AT 8:32 AM
    “I still await a reasonable explanation as to why a man not even born in this country is in charge of the Homeland Security.”


    You’ll get that right after you get an explanation for why an unelected pedophile is you nominative president.

  3. Diogenes,

    Ahhh … the reason is simple.
    It was necessary to find some klown who would eliminate the “Homeland’s” security, sabotage border enforcement, and allow millions upon millions of military-aged male rat-people to invade America to sow chaos, death, and destruction, as well as to spread all manner of third-world diseases – and what better than a foreign rat-man who has absolutely NO allegiance to the United States of America?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The impeachment runaround may be necessary for record keeping purposes but the DC charade needs to be cleaned up and cleaned out. How about some free and fair elections for a bright new change?

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