House GOP leadership sends lawmakers home after spending vote fails – IOTW Report

House GOP leadership sends lawmakers home after spending vote fails


Republican leadership has told House lawmakers they can leave Washington, D.C., following a botched vote on a defense spending package that upended the legislative agenda that was set through Saturday.

The announcement follows a group of dissident House conservatives breaking ranks to stop a procedural vote on a Pentagon funding bill, preventing its consideration on the floor, The Hill reported. Conservatives did so on Tuesday as well in a bid to secure deeper spending cuts and to block additional aid to Ukraine.

The Thursday vote torpedoed a revised funding plan, the success of which would have allowed Congress to move on to other appropriations bills. Congress has until Sept. 30 to fund the government or risk a shut down. more

17 Comments on House GOP leadership sends lawmakers home after spending vote fails

  1. That’s okay though, because the Bidenministration will just ignore the lack of budget and go ahead and spend however they want. Pentagon has announce that it is still sending whatever money and stuff to Ukraine they want to.
    We live in a banana republic. Actually, it is most definitely NOT a republic.

  2. I hope they stay home until October 1.

    ‘Shut it down’, needs to be a resounding message to clowngress!

    Shut it down: rebooting the government will not do anything except illustrate fully the lack of harm shutting down really does.

    Especially without obamination’s selective shutting down things to illustrate his illegal power to make Americans damn miserable.

    Are we not tired of being manipulated by the evil of the left’s power grabs, malfeasance, grifting, lies, lies, lies, lies, & destruction of America?

    Shut it down! REBOOT (break the FEAR) America.

  3. The GOP leadership swamp creatures will come back, claim some HUGE reduction, like .001%.
    And claim a big win for the GOP.
    So get ready to bend over, again.

    $653 billion in non-defense discretionary spending
    $850 billion in defense discretionary spending
    $21 billion to prepare for the next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic

    More here.

  4. This “shutdown” will be the result of McCarthy breaking his promise. He made a commitment in January as part of the speaker contest that there would be no more massive omnibus or CR’s (the practice of continuing the spending as is plus inflation) to fund the government, but that a “single subject spending” process would be adopted. This would involve each agency coming hat in hand to The House and justifying why they need the money they asked for.

    This was a condition for getting conservative support, he promised it and then abandoned it, this is all on McCarthy.

  5. The shut down will happen. Nothing will become of it. They’ll drop 50% of the economy to it’s knees. Gov paid employees who make sure military parts are order, are correct, are shipped timely to support our war fighters will be trying to figure out how to feed their families in about two weeks. In four weeks they’ll miss rent or a house payment. They don’t pay these people much. All because of a bunch of pompous ass holes we elected are more concerned with self enrichment than what’s best for the country and the American citizen. What a joke.

  6. Oh and if you don’t think this shut down is being orchestrated by the Biden Coup, we’ve been encouraged to process any parts that are headed for the Uke. Free of charge I guess. The peeps we work with at the DCMA have received memos asking them to come in on their own time and process anything headed to Ukraine. I’ve seen it. This is an effort by the coup to put the American people through even more pain and discomfort. Period, end of story. And the Freedom Caucus is getting played.

  7. It’s a trick. They’ll have an “emergency” vote while most of the GOP lawmakers are out of town, and it will pass on some bullshit non-quarum bullshit pseudo-vote. The antichrist has given the deep state their marching orders, and they’ll do what they have to do to send more billion$ to Ukraine.


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