House Intel Dem: Public ‘Already Aware Of’ Most Evidence Against Trump – IOTW Report

House Intel Dem: Public ‘Already Aware Of’ Most Evidence Against Trump

Daily Caller: A Democratic member of the House Intelligence Committee made a surprise admission on Thursday about the findings of the panel’s investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

“You know, I’m not sure I’ve seen a lot that the American people aren’t already aware of,” Connecticut Rep. Jim Himes said during an interview on CNN’s “New Day.”

Himes had been asked whether he has seen any evidence during the committee’s 11-month investigation of any criminal activity on the part of the Trump campaign.

The lawmaker’s response suggested that he has not.  read more

7 Comments on House Intel Dem: Public ‘Already Aware Of’ Most Evidence Against Trump

  1. “possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.”

    as opposed to

    actual factual publicly known collusion between russia, obama, hillary and mueller for the sale of uranium one.

    let’s get that party started !

  2. Fool is too stupid to realize he just admitted, in essence, saying “I don’t need no stinkin’ evidence. Bring that guilty bastard Trump in here. We’ll give him a fair trial.” Then when the government lays out millions of pages of irrefutable evidence against Hillary, this same clown is going to claim he’s seen no proof. Maybe he should become a high ranking FBI official.

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