House Intelligence Committee Republicans Ask Adam Schiff to Step Down as Chairman – IOTW Report

House Intelligence Committee Republicans Ask Adam Schiff to Step Down as Chairman

Breitbart: House Intelligence Committee Republicans unveiled during a hearing on Thursday a letter signed by all Republicans on the committee asking Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) to step down as chairman.

Rep. Mike Conaway (R-TX) announced the letter during the hearing, which is the first since Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation ended, finding that President Trump’s campaign did not collude with Russia.

Conaway, who led the committee’s Russia probe last year, read from the letter to Schiff:

Your willingness to continue to promote a demonstrably false narrative is alarming. The findings of the Special Counsel conclusively refute your past and present assertions, and have exposed you as having abused your position to knowingly promote false information.

Having damaged the integrity of this committee, and having undermined the faith in the United States government and its institutions, your actions both past and present are incompatible with your duty as chairman of this committee, which alone in the House of Representatives has the obligation and authority to provide effective oversight of the U.S. intelligence community.

As such, we have no faith in your ability to discharge your duties in a manner consistent with your Constitutional responsibility and urge your immediate resignation as Chairman of this Committee.

Schiff delivered a seemingly prepared response in a trembling voice, insisting that there were signs of collusion, and refused to yield the right to speak to Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH), who wanted to rebut his response.  more

15 Comments on House Intelligence Committee Republicans Ask Adam Schiff to Step Down as Chairman

  1. It has been obvious from the beginning, Full of Shiff lacks the intellectual capacity to be a member of the intelligence committee. Never has, never will!
    Step down or get kicked off, your call!

  2. As Obama told us many times, elections have consequences. The Democrats can appoint any damn fool they want to chair this committee, they have the majority.

    Would these Republican members prefer Eric Swalwell or Jackie Speiers instead? They are just as delusional.

    All this empty proclamation of piety did was give Schiff and his rest of his stooges a good laugh.

  3. Schiff acts like a spoiled little girl struggling with PMS. He is always very emotional. Have never seen him act or speak logically. Unlike little ladies who are back to normal in a day or two, Schiff has been off his rocker at least two years. Replace Schiff with a 14 year old girl.

  4. “Rich Taylor- That’s true. However, it’s a blemish on their crap-filled record that the R’s can exploit during campaign ad season.”

    Not sure how, Schiff is doing exactly what his base wants him to do. Even after the Mueller findings, the majority of the dems still think Trump colluded with the Russians and still want more investigations into Trump,the campaign and his financials dealings. Schiff is just the megaphone.

    The dems routinely sent resignation letters to Nunes when he was leader, remember how we derided them for such nonsense?


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