House Judiciary Committee Unable To Locate Nathan Wade To Testify In Fani Willis Investigation – IOTW Report

House Judiciary Committee Unable To Locate Nathan Wade To Testify In Fani Willis Investigation

Daily Caller

The House Judiciary Committee has so far been unable to locate Nathan Wade in order to serve him a subpoena, a spokesperson told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The committee’s difficulty in serving a subpoena to Wade, whose testimony they are seeking as part of their probe into Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, is “extremely unusual,” spokesperson Russell Dye told the DCNF. After defendants tried to disqualify Willis from the case over her relationship with Wade, a judge ordered Wade in March to step down from his position on the election interference case against former President Donald Trump as a condition of letting Willis remain.

“The Judiciary Committee has served over 100 subpoenas this Congress,” Dye said in a statement to the DCNF. “We have done so, for the most part, without controversy or the need to use the U.S. Marshals.” more

21 Comments on House Judiciary Committee Unable To Locate Nathan Wade To Testify In Fani Willis Investigation

  1. Send a warning through all media, “show up for your court appearance, or be shot on sight.”
    Of course, he may be dead already, laid to rest next to Jimmy Hoffa.

  2. @President Elect etc.:

    Send a warning through all media, “show up for your court appearance, or be shot on sight.”



    Send a warning through all media, “show up for your court appearance, or we’ll send Lizzo after you to sit on your face until the process server shows up.”

  3. I remember back during Barky’s reign, when the Dems would send their inconvenient cogs overseas to avoid testimony. Looks like they are still doing it.

    Wade may be in a non-extradition country, although the Dems have no respect for—or fear of—toothless Congress, so he’s probably sipping rum and coke in Aruba, or in Witsec until after the election.

  4. Cleveburg here – we had a Chevy dealership on the west side for years own by Ed Stinn. Ed had a pretty serious gambling habit and was in debt a ton to Uknowhwo and all of a sudden he up and disapeared back in the late eighties. In October of 89 the San Fransisco earthquake hit. I was sitting at a bar in Brazil watching the TV coverage of it when a street reporter stops someone for an interview. I about fell off the stool when I recognized him and said “Holy shit! That’s Ed Stinn! So that’s where he is” He didn’t look real comfortable. I would imagine he beat feet outta there pretty quick! The point is ya just never know what Fate will bring sometimes.


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