House Majority Leader Steve Scalise diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, a “very treatable blood cancer” – IOTW Report

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, a “very treatable blood cancer”

NBC: WASHINGTON — House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., said Tuesday that he’s being treated for cancer.

“After a few days of not feeling like myself this past week, I had some blood work done. The results uncovered some irregularities and after undergoing additional tests, I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, a very treatable blood cancer,” he said in a statement.

“I have now begun treatment, which will continue for the next several months. I expect to work through this period and intend to return to Washington, continuing my work as Majority Leader and serving the people of Louisiana’s First Congressional District,” Scalise, 57, continued. more

10 Comments on House Majority Leader Steve Scalise diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, a “very treatable blood cancer”

  1. Had a friend who went through the treatment. It’s rather involved and both he and I found it interesting from a technical perspective.

    To oversimplify it, and honestly, I don’t remember all the steps, they harvest stem cells from you. Two batches in case there is an issue with one. Then, they kill off all of your bone marrow and you need to spend some time in the bubble because you have no immune system. Next is infusing the stem cells back into you.

    Once you’re solidly on the mend, you must be immunized against all the childhood diseases we were immunized against because your immune system no longer has what is needed to fight off those diseases.

    Scalise will have a lot of doctor appointments.

  2. He learned nothing from being shot by a Democrat, and his RINO ass wasn’t worth the risk my rep Brad Wenstrup went through to to save his sorry ass.

    …still, I wouldn’t wish cancer on anyone. May he find healing and Jesus, and live long enough to repent of his Communist facilitating ways.

  3. Mystaclean, you nailed it – I sat with my Sweetie for eight years worth of transplants and chemo infusions, but the cancer ultimately outwitted the treatment and killed her.
    Benito, valid question, I can see where that amount of damage might trigger an underlying beast, but Sweetie’s oncologist explained to us that myeloma is one of those that hides in the wiring until it decides to jump up and cause trouble.

  4. Two people at work had multiple myeloma, they both died. The 5 year survival rate is 57%. One of them developed kidney problems and had to undergo dialysis in addition to the cancer treatments. His wife kept an online journal of all they went through, it was heartbreaking. This was 20-25 years ago, maybe the treatments are better now. The prognosis back then was the best you could hope for was remission, but it would return.

  5. My friend is a pretty straight shooter. He said that the doc told him that the treatment plan they were pursuing meant that the two of them, in this case my friend and the doc, would grow old together.

    My friend has got pretty deep pockets. He and his wife went to the Mayo Clinic for a second opinion. The doc there asked him what treatment plan his local doc had planned. He told my friend that that was the treatment plan that they had developed there at the clinic and that barring something unforeseen, he should make a full recovery.

    This all transpired within the last 18 months or so. He made a full recovery and follow up visits show all is good. I should mention that he does have to go in monthly for a chemo shot that causes him no side effects.

    I’m typically far less than enamored of our medical system but I have no issues giving credit when credit is due.

  6. I do not wish any kind of cancer on anyone after having lost my wife to leukemia 10 and a half years ago. A few of my friends have also lost their spouses to cancer over the past few years. Cancer sucks, but life goes on for myself and my friends and we’re stronger for having endured the loss of our lifelong spouses. Thank God that there is no disease in Heaven when we will all be reunited and made truly alive and be with Jesus and our spouses forever in eternity.


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