House of Representatives Passes Bill for Automatic Military Draft Registration of Young Men Between 18 and 26 – IOTW Report

 House of Representatives Passes Bill for Automatic Military Draft Registration of Young Men Between 18 and 26


The U.S. House of Representatives has passed an amendment as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2025 on Friday.

The amendment H.R. 8070 will automatically register all draft-age male U.S. residents with the Selective Service System for a possible military draft, based on information from other Federal databases.

This new system of automatic draft registration would replace the existing system, in place since 1980, in which young men have the freedom to decide whether or not to sign up for the draft.

According to People’s World, the automatic draft registration proposal was initiated by the Selective Service System (SSS) as part of its annual budget request to Congress. MORE

31 Comments on  House of Representatives Passes Bill for Automatic Military Draft Registration of Young Men Between 18 and 26

  1. Don’t forget how many hid out when the draft and Vietnam scared them off. I don’t want my grand kids fighting for the losers in Washington, while they hid their kids and then use your kids in another worthless war.

  2. I thought I saw that women were to be included as well. Regardless, they will have to define ‘man’ and ‘woman’ now.
    This doesn’t really do anything important, except to give loudmouths something else to bloviate over. And although it said that the mandatory registration ended in 1980 I recall having to go to the post office when I turned 18 in 1982 to register – and that it wasn’t optional.

  3. Left Coast – You are right. Although you could not be arrested as a dodger as in my era, you could not enroll in college (my stepson’s experience in 2005) without it.
    Geoff – I joined the USAF in 1968 for the exact same reason. Little did I know that the ones that fled to Canada and got real work experience would be more employable and promotable than I (after that awful democrat president pardoned them for being draft dodgers).

  4. I’m adamantly opposed to a military draft, or any kind of involuntary servitude for that matter. I falls into the general category of slavery.

    If the fed govt had been serious about keeping some form of draft, they should have written the 13th Amendment differently. They said they were abolishing slavery, but the text says:

    Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

    The draft is involuntary by definition. And “serve” is always the word when it comes to military duty.

  5. Since there is no real difference between Democrats and Republicans at this point in time, they can jump and bark and piss in circles all they want. They’ve known about this all along.

  6. I was the second to last year to register for the Viet Nam era draft and the last year to have a lottery. As I recall I was way down the list, maybe even in the 300’s — not that it made any difference as no one from my year was drafted.

  7. “This new system of automatic draft registration would replace the existing system, in place since 1980, in which young men have the freedom to decide whether or not to sign up for the draft.”

    Freedom…here’s what our freedom is, boys, according to our government:

    “There are consequences if you fail to register with Selective Service. It is a federal felony, punishable by fines or a prison sentence. And you may not be eligible for federal jobs, citizenship, or state-funded student financial aid.”

    Do you feel free?

  8. We should have mandatory conscription like in Sweden, but conscientious objectors can choose national service instead of military. What can you do for your country?

  9. There was also a draft during the Civil War too. My great great grandfather enlisted and for a time was under Hooker , then was wounded at Gettysburg, survived with a tiny pension. He had to walk home to Massachusetts after mustering out. His sword was passed down to me .

  10. I enlisted in 1969 at the age of 18, I needed the GI Bill. And Did not wish to be drafted. I served with many draftees overseas, by far the majority were excellent US Soldiers.
    After 20+ months in VN, I saw the majority of allies and US Forces leaving. Vietnamization, I think they called it, for those of us left in country I thought it was a pending death warrant. I was assigned with a SF Captain with two companies of ARVNs in the Mekong Delta on one assignment, many were conscripts and very young, I was less than impressed. I felt the impending doom. One of my Teammates and I were joking months before that the big wigs at MACV HQ (Way above our pay grade) were trying to get us killed. One promise that was made to us all when we were assigned to the US Army, SP Forces, Koreans or the Australians, that if we were killed, our body would be recovered and sent home to our family. My next assignment with the ARVN military (much like the last) was young, ill trained, no combat experience and lacked discipline. I never felt that I would ever return home. After this final assignment with the ARVNs I voluntarily let VN.
    After my return home my teammate was assigned to an ARVN outpost. In late march or early April, 1972 The outpost was overrun by a large NVA and VC element, the Lieutenant was killed and Cpl.Jimmy Worth was MIA, after a couple of years acknowledged as KIA, body not recovered.

    My viewpoint, from someone well below Command paygrade, If the US continues to display no will to win as in Korea, Vietnam and every conflict/War after WWII. I would not encourage any youth to join today’s military. When the US has real political and military leaders (Not political appointees) who display the will to win and follow through regardless of the cost, IF it is in our National Interest, my opinion would be revisited.
    No more Bullshit forays for Political Nation Building, international involvement or funding damn near every Nation on the world scene.
    It’s time for a healing of this nation with what financial means are left as the buying power of the dollar continues to plummet.
    USA First, an absolute limit of international involvement of other’s affairs.

    Far more than I anticipated writing, my apologies.

  11. I’m thinking you all missed it bigley. This is the U.N. preparing to send U.S. combat troops to the front line meat grinder in Ukraine. Watch and see. They’ve said so. I almost want to see it happen. Especially the women with purple or blue hair.

  12. @ Tony R
    MCRD Platoon 1112 (July or early August as I remember) a fellow puke at boot camp, who had three strikes against him, First he was educated, not athletic or in shape, and his third strike was being a draftee. He made the mistake of telling the Sr. Drill Instructor he didn’t want to be there. A Mountain of O>D> greenshit fell upon that outspoken anti-war fellow puke.
    I give the guy credit for balls, chopped his trigger finger off with his bayonet before we were to go to the Range for qualifications. I’m certain he was prosecuted for damaging government property and malingering. As we were told he ended up in some military prison beyond his two year enlistment for the Draft.

    At ITR (Infantry Training Regiment) our graduating battalion were receiving infantry training. One session was the use of hand grenades, practice throwing dummy grenades and finally throwing live grenades with an NCO instructor next to us in the pit.
    One of the newly minted Private Marines pulled the pin, the spoon popped off and he stood there holding the grenade close to his chest, the NCO grabbed his wrists and it detonated. No one knew if it was intentional or if he just froze. Both were killed instantly. This reinforced the realization that “This shit’s Real”. Seriousness from then on.

  13. Left Coast Dan , regardless of their not being clear about male and female differences my husband recently passed away and on his Death Certificate the little box marked Male was checked and the unchecked box was Female. There were no others. So at least we are clearly defined when we die.

  14. Reread my post. Then Google it. Biden Inc has surrendered our arm forces to the U.N. Don’t think so? He signed an E.U. today in an attempt to tie Trumps hands should he become president insuring financial support to the piano playing lil dick loser. Also insuring revenue to our shadow government. It’s much deeper than that. The UN has said they plan on putting S troops on the front line? Why, were not even part of Europe. The UN hates our Republic and wants to see it destroyed. It’s in their charter.

  15. Jeez had such hope when the Berlin Wall came down and the communists finally lost at something. It seemed for awhile anyway that the Russians wanted to be welcomed to the West .

  16. I miss Trump and the little peacetime we had for 4 years. Trump even managed to deal with the NKorean dictator and bring some of our missing back home from that Korean war . At least a few families got to bury their dead in their own country.

  17. Activate the rainbow troops, that ought to show Putin.
    Nice draft you got there, be a shame if nobody showed up, which is highly likely given today’s youts.
    Waffle House clientele should go first if it happens.

  18. Left Coast Dan
    I thought I saw that women were to be included as well. Regardless, they will have to define ‘man’ and ‘woman’ now.

    You did and they are. With women in the mix, they can have an Army bigger than WWII.

    PS All that involuntary servitude nonsense doesn’t apply to the draft. The same people who wrote the 14th Amendment supported Lincoln’s draft.

    PPS We won Korea (after 1783 and 1815, we didn’t occupy Britain; after 1848, we didn’t occupy Mexico,; after 1898, we didn’t occupy Spain). I can’t stand whiny Conservatives.

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