House Oversight chairman demands visitor logs to Biden home, says Archives stonewalling probe – IOTW Report

House Oversight chairman demands visitor logs to Biden home, says Archives stonewalling probe

JTN: The chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee is pressing President Joe Biden to release visitor logs to his Delaware home where classified documents were found while accusing the National Archives of stonewalling his investigation.

“The Archives isn’t being transparent with the American people, ” Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., tweeted late Sunday.

The agency that preserves presidential documents “has yet to provide @GOPoversight  with a simple briefing on its handling of classified docs,” Comer added. “So many questions remain unanswered. I will use the power of the gavel to get answers.” more here

10 Comments on House Oversight chairman demands visitor logs to Biden home, says Archives stonewalling probe

  1. “The National Archives is overseen by its chief official, the Archivist of the United States who is a political appointee of the President but is not a member of the cabinet. The current Archivist of the United States is David Ferriero.”

    -per wikipedia, a known unreliable source.

    Presidential appointee, can possibly be impeached out of office, otherwise they could try to do his boss, but Senate would not convict.

  2. Looking at the pictures of Biden driving his corvette, the car is always spotless. I’m sure he is not washing it himself, so who ever is taking care of the car has access to the garage filled with top secret documents.

  3. Donny, I agree & it worked for me! Vistor logs? Sorry but it is not a tourist attraction nor is there any reason or requirement for them. You want vistor try Mar-a-lago.

  4. (begin investigation)

    Republicans: WE DEMAND X!

    Democrats: No.

    Republicans: Foiled again! We’ll get ’em next time. It’s Trump’s fault we couldn’t this time.

    (end investigation)

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