House Oversight Committee Subpoena Concerning 2020 Census Citizenship Question Rejected by Justice Department – IOTW Report

House Oversight Committee Subpoena Concerning 2020 Census Citizenship Question Rejected by Justice Department

ET: As the debate on whether to include a question on U.S. citizenship status in the upcoming 2020 census developed with a Supreme Court case this week. The Department of Justice informed the House Oversight Committee that it will be rejecting a subpoena demanding the appearance of the highly ranked Civil Rights official, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Gore.

House Democrats voted earlier this month to launch subpoenas compelling a number of officials to testify on this issue as well as on other aspects of the administration. This has caused an escalation between House Democrats and President Trump, who suspects that this is all part of a partisan effort to obstruct on policy matters, saying “we are fighting all the subpoenas.”

This debate began last year when Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross announced that plans were being made for the 2020 census to ask the entire population residing within the United States about citizenship status. This became controversial since such a question was not included since 1950. However, there is nothing in particular at odds with the law with this proposal, except for the usual partisan disagreements.  read more

5 Comments on House Oversight Committee Subpoena Concerning 2020 Census Citizenship Question Rejected by Justice Department

  1. Just a thought that came to mind as I considered this:

    Compare how the Republicans treated Obama and his administration when they gained the majority with how the Democrats are treating Trump and his administration now that they have gained the majority.

    IMO, which I admit is unimportant in the scheme of things, all they are doing now with all their subpoenas is trying to find anything they can to use against Trump in the 2020 election. I don’t think they believe there is any actual wrongdoing to be found that they could act on.

  2. Excuse me, why is this even considered?

    People who ARE NOT CITIZENS should not be counted in our census. They should be deported post haste. To have them impact our representation is wrong on every level and criminal. The Democrats are spawn of Satan and traitors.

  3. ANON

    UNIPARTY is why GOP liked Obama! And If you watched the 3 State Funerals the last 13 months GWB and BHO still are best buddies!

    Libs in BOTH parties hate Don!


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